BU film screening: “Letter from Masanjia” (波士頓大學人權紀錄片《求救信》免費放映會 )
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Please join us for the screening of the award-winning documentary.
Time: April 23. 7-8pm screening, 8-9pm Q&A.
Add: CAS 313, 685-725 Commonwealth Avenue
An Oregon woman finds an SOS message from a Chinese dissident in a package of Halloween decorations from Kmart, setting off a chain of events that would shut down the entire labor camp system in China and ignite the letter-writer’s dangerous quest to expose a deadly persecution.
Letter from Masanjia begins when mom of two, Julie Keith, finds an SOS note in a box of “Made in China” Halloween decorations from an Oregon Kmart. The desperate note was written by a political prisoner named Sun Yi, from inside China’s notorious Masanjia labor camp. On the crumpled page that travelled over 5000 miles, he details being jailed for his spiritual beliefs and how he is being subjected to torture and brainwashing tactics. His message goes viral and miraculously leads to the closure of China’s entire labor camp system. But their story is far from over.
Peabody-winning Canadian filmmaker Leon Lee is not welcome in his native country because of his prior films about China’s human rights abuses. So, in Letter from Masanjia, he teaches Sun Yi to use camera equipment via Skype. For over a year, Sun Yi secretly captures harrowing footage of his daily life as a human rights defender, leading up to his tense run from the Chinese authorities. Meanwhile, just outside Portland, Julie Keith is struggling with her own dilemmas as a mother newly embroiled in this cause. Together, these unlikely heroes expose China’s ongoing persecution against millions whose ideology differs from the Chinese government.
此前在4月23日晚,波士頓大學(Boston University)法輪大法俱樂部在該校放映影片《求救信》(Letter From Masanjia),邀請到前馬三家勞教所的受難者到場講述遭受酷刑的經歷。

《求救信》由Flying Cloud影視製作,曾入圍第91屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄片獎候選名單。影片中,美國俄州居民朱麗·凱斯(Julie Keith)在Kmart購買的萬聖節裝飾品中意外發現一封信。這封信來自中國瀋陽的馬三家勞教所,講述勞教人員像奴隸一樣生產出口產品的經歷。她將信傳到社交媒體後,吸引包括CNN、福克斯新聞頻道(FOX News)、《紐約時報》、《環球郵報》等眾多媒體關注。
與此同時,寫信者孫毅出獄後得知這一消息,祕密聯絡「皮博迪獎」獲獎導演李雲翔(Leon Lee),用鏡頭記錄自己的生活,並走訪曾經的馬三家勞教人員。影片還用動畫方式展現了他在馬三家勞教所關押期間遭受的酷刑。
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