Falun Dafa Club at BU (波士頓大學法輪大法俱樂部)
Welcome to Falun Dafa Club, a club made for convenient meditation-exercise teaching, Fa study, as well as experience sharing and other activities. For those of you unfamiliar with the practice, Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, is a spiritual meditation practice that originates from China. It has five sets of exercises and spiritual teaching which revolves around the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. |
For a visual introduction to Falun Dafa, watch the following video: What is Falun Gong?
Falun Gong weekly Exercises and Meditation Class at Boston University (波士顿大学法轮大法俱乐部)
- in-person instruction
- at Boston Common, 12-2 PM on every Saturday and Sunday if no rain/snow
- one to one session on the greens along the Charles River. (by appointment, email dafa@bu.edu for the meeting details.).
- on-line teaching
- Register for a FREE online class today: www.learnfalungong.com/
- online Fa study (read the book Zhuan Falun, which is the complete and systematic teaching of Falun Gong.)
If you are new to the practice, we will teach you the five exercises of Falun Dafa. They are extraordinarily relaxing and excellent for de-stressing after a long day. We hope all of you can come! In addition to the physical exercises, Falun Gong practitioners also study spiritual teachings, taking them as a guide for daily life. And at the core of these teachings are the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Originating in northeastern China, Falun Gong is now practiced in countries all around the world! For those of you who want to find out more, check out http://falundafa.org/ and http://faluninfo.net/
We will be having them every week throughout the semester, and newcomers are welcome at any point in the year! All Falun Dafa club activities are open to the public and free of charge. Feel free to email us if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing you all!
Falun Dafa Club at BU
法輪功,又名法輪大法、法輪佛法,是由李洪志先生於1992年傳出的佛家上乘修煉大法,以“真善忍”為根本指導,包含五套緩慢優美的功法動作,免費易學; 自1992年傳出至今已弘傳全球一百多個國家及地區,獲各國政府褒獎、支持議案和信函3500多項。 1998年,國家體育總局在國內的5次調查結果顯示: 法輪功的祛病健身率高達98%。 1999年,因法輪功修煉者人數近億,超過中共黨員人數,時任中共黨魁的江澤民出於嫉妒和恐懼心理,發動了對法輪功的迫害,於2001年年初製造天安門自焚偽案嫁禍法輪功,煽動民眾對法輪功的仇恨。至今已有逾四千法輪功學員被迫害致死,數百萬人被非法逮捕、判刑。 法輪功學員多年來堅持向世人講清真相、制止迫害,自費印製真相資料散發,希望更多世人明白真相。這也是您今天會收到這條信息的原因。 歡迎大家提出您的任何疑問,我們會誠心為您解答。我們社團每週有活動,大家也可以前來了解。