Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group

Our Working Group seeks to promote a more inclusive, diverse, equitable, and altogether more welcoming environment.

This website provides tools from both CPO and the broader University in support of that goal.

Please reach out if there is anything we have missed, or anything about your experience of diversity, equity, and inclusion within CPO which you would like us to know. Your voice is vital to our success.

Be yoU@CPO

Introducing Be yoU@CPO, a series developed by CPO’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Working Group to give staff a platform to share their experiences, foster open communication within our department, and create a greater sense of belonging. As this series progresses, you will hear from a wide variety of staff around CPO regarding what DEI means to them, how they’ve overcome challenges, both professionally and personally, and their advice for those facing similar challenges.

Learn More