Contact Tracing Infographic
Sharon Casey; Mentors: Lynsie Ranker, Dr. Ellie Murray
An infographic detailing the scenarios where someone might be called by a contact tracer and the importance of helping support this public health are detailed in this brief, single-page infographic. The hope is that it will help remove some of the mystery from the process of contact tracing.

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Title: Contact Tracing
What is contact tracing? Contact tracing is a public health process that aims to identify people who were in close contact (contacts) with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 (confirmed case).
Why do we need it? Contact tracing helps to stop further spread of COVID-19 within communities.
Who will call? A public health worker or public health volunteer
When will I be contacted and what will I be asked?
- If you tested positive for COVID-19:
- You will be greeted by the caller and asked how you are doing.
- The caller will confirm that your recent COVID test was positive.
- Your name, address, and contact information will be confirmed. Demographic and other information will be collected: gender, race, ethnicity, employment status
- You will be asked to talk about your current and recent symptoms: cough, fever, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.
- You will be asked to give names and details of people you were recently in close contact with and places you visits, as well as dates.
- You will be asked to isolate voluntarily.
- If you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19:
- You will be greeted by the caller and asked how you are doing.
- Anonymously, the caller will tell you someone you have been in close contact with has tested positive for COVID.
- Your name, address, and contact information will be confirmed. Demographic and other information will be collected: gender, race, ethnicity, employment status
- You will be asked to talk about your current and recent symptoms: cough, fever, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.
- You may be advised to get a COVID-19 test.
- You will be asked to quarantine voluntarily.