Andrés A Plazas Malagon
Visiting Research Scientist (ETA October 2024)
Rubin Operations Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
I’m part of the Calibration and Community Science Teams, and I’m actively engaged in the Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Dark Energy and Strong Lensing Science Collaborations (DESC and SLSC). As an observational cosmologist, my research focuses on studying the origin and evolution of the Universe. I’m particularly interested in understanding the distribution of dark matter through techniques like gravitational lensing, providing insights into the nature of dark matter and dark energy. This involves meticulous analysis, addressing systematic errors in instrument signatures, galaxy shape measurement, and PSF characterization. I’m also interested in astronomical instrumentation, novel technologies like Skipper CCDs for astronomy, and the application of Machine Learning techniques and Generative AI in astronomy.Since 2006, I’ve been part of the Dark Energy Survey collaboration, actively contributing to it and being recognized as a builder since 2013. I’ve also been involved in the Hyper-Suprime Camera survey collaboration and worked on characterizing Roman NIR detectors for cosmic shear analysis.
- Affiliation
- Research Scientists