Grants Evaluation Rubric

Below is the Grant Evaluation Rubric for the 2025-2026 cycle of grants review.

Evaluation Component Total Points Rating Key
Abstract & Project Goals

What do you plan to accomplish?

(Small grants: about 250 words; medium grants: about 500 words; large grant: about 1,000 words)

15 15: Clear description of the goal(s) linked to educator and student learning and project actions, and goals are measurable
10: Strong measurable goals with clear outcomes not linked to student and educator outcomes
5: Goals are not clearly stated, or they are not measurable!
0: Project goals are missing and project summary is not clearly stated

Describe the project activities/events and a timeline of when they will occur (including evaluations). Consider a monthly bulleted timeline if applicable to your project. Activities should take place between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026.

(No word limit for this section for any type of grant)

10 10: Activities articulated and reasonable, timeline clear and feasible, participants and their roles clear.
5: Some (but not all) activities of the project are included in the timeline, or the timeline does not appear feasible from the project description
0: Timeline is missing or written generically without any timing indicated.
Educator Impact

What is the expected impact on educator learning as a result of this project? Be as specific as possible.

(Small grants: about 200 words; medium grants: about 400 words; large grant: about 800 words)

20 20: Very clear explanation of educator learning and quality of educator learning is very high
15: Somewhat clear explanation of educator learning and quality of educator learning is high
10: Unclear explanation of educator learning or quality of educator learning is not high
5: Limited explanation of educator learning and quality of educator learning is low
0: No explanation of educator learning (e.g., only the activity)
Student Impact

What is the expected impact on student learning as a result of this project? Be as specific as possible.

(Small grants: about 200 words; medium grants: about 400 words; large grant: about 800 words)

20 20: Very clear explanation of student impact and quality of student impact is very high
15: Somewhat clear explanation of student impact and quality of student impact is high
10: Unclear explanation of student impact or quality of student impact is not high
5: Limited explanation of student impact and quality of student impact is low
0: No explanation of student impact (e.g., only the activity)
Inclusive Practices

How does this project promote equity, diversity, and/or inclusion?

(Small grants: about 100 words; medium grants: about 200 words; large grant: about 400 words)

10 10: Clear description of how the project promotes equity, diversity, and/or inclusion
5: Not clear or not persuasive description of how the project promotes equity, diversity, and/or inclusion
0: Limited or not description of how the project promotes equity, diversity, and/or inclusion

How will you evaluate whether you have met your project goal(s)? What measures will you use?

(Small grants: about 100 words; medium grants: about 200 words; large grant: about 400 words)

10 10: Evaluation methods are clearly described and linked to project goals and timeline
5: Evaluation methods are not clearly described or not clearly linked to project goals and timeline
0: Evaluation methods are not described at all

Complete information. All expenses are allowable and necessary for the work

(No word limit for this section for any type of grant)

15 15: Budget is detailed with all expenditures delineated from identified sources; expenses align with timeline
10: Budget is mostly complete, but missing minor details
5: Budget has some details listed but some items/specifics missing; or includes items/services from unidentified sources
0: No description of budget
Total 100