Grants Program

The BU Consortium Educator Learning Grants Program provides funding for projects that support the learning and growth of educators and their students.

Grant proposals must include a learning component for educators. Educators will identify an aspect of teaching/learning that they wish to investigate and articulate the process they will engage in to explore that aspect of their practice. Educators will then design, implement, or evaluate some aspect of instruction or school activity with the ultimate goal of supporting educator and student learning and growth. Informal collaboration with BU Wheelock faculty is encouraged, but not required. The BU Consortium Educator Learning Grants Program is committed to promoting equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning environments.

Possible grant projects could include:

  • Designing and/or implementing curriculum materials to address an aspect of student understanding
  • Investigating and/or implementing pedagogical strategies to increase student engagement and motivation
  • Developing equitable learning environments
  • Refining informative assessment practices
  • Designing effective professional development opportunities/programs


Depending on the project scope and availability of funds, selected proposals will receive funding in one of three different categories: small grants (up to $2,000), medium grants (up to $5,000), or large grants (up to $10,000). To support greater continuity and depth of work, successful projects may reapply to continue the project for the next academic year. Grants will be awarded based on the merit of the proposal, available funding, and representation from member districts.

Note: We anticipate only awarding one large grant this cycle. If your grant was not selected to receive funding at the level at which you applied, you can indicate that you would like to be considered for funding at a smaller level.


Educators (e.g., teachers, social workers, and allied health professionals) from Consortium member districts are eligible to apply and must be employed by the district during the implementation year. Should funded applicants need to withdraw, the district is responsible for ensuring that the project continues with fidelity and shall appoint a replacement lead contact.

The Consortium encourages applicants to collaborate with BU Wheelock faculty in the development of proposals and in carrying out project activities. For information on faculty who may be interested in collaborating with educators on projects, visit our faculty profiles page.

Spring 2025 Grant Information

Application Timeline

Individual educators or schools interested in applying for funding must submit a completed grant application by April 16, 2025, for projects that will be implemented in the 2025–2026 school year. The full grant cycle timeline is as follows:

Application Available February 1, 2025
Applications Due April 16, 2025
Applicants Selected and Notified By May 7, 2025
Project Implementation July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026
Project Progress Reports January 31, 2026, and June 1, 2026


The Consortium Council will evaluate all proposals according to the following criteria:

  • Project goals and anticipated timeline to achieve those goals
  • Potential impact on both educator and student learning and growth
  • How the project’s inclusive practices address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Plan/process for completing the project
  • Budget proposal
  • Plan/process for evaluating the success of the project
  • Quality, clarity, and thoroughness of application

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Grant Application Rubric

Grant application for 2025-2026 cycle is located here or via the menu above.

All grant applications will be reviewed using a rubric: Download the rubric (PDF).

To help guide your proposal writing, refer to these two sample applications from prior years, Sample 1 and Sample 2. We chose these samples because they did an excellent job of addressing each application question with the proper level of detail and clarity. We removed any identifiers from these samples to maintain privacy, which is why we left certain fields blank.

Recently Funded Projects