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Selected Publications


Strampe J, Asogun DA, Speranza E, Pahlmann M, Soucy A, Bockholt S, Pallasch E, Becker-Ziaja B, Duraffour S, Bhadelia N, Ighodalo Y, Oyakhilome J, Omomoh EO, Olokor T, Adomeh DI, Ikponwonsa O, Aire C, Tobin E, Akpede N, Okokhere PO, Okogbenin SA, Akpede GO, Muñoz-Fontela C, Ogbaini-Emovon E, Günther S, Connor JH, Oestereich L. Factors associated with progression to death in patients with Lassa fever in Nigeria: an observational study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Jan 20:S1473-3099(20)30737-4. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30737-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33484646.


Greenberg A, Huber BR, Liu DX, Logue JP, Hischak AMW, Hart RJ, Abbott M, Isic N, Hisada YM, Mackman N, Bennett RS, Hensley LE, Connor JH, Crossland NA. Quantification of Viral and Host Biomarkers in the Liver of Rhesus Macaques: A Longitudinal Study of Zaire Ebolavirus Strain Kikwit (EBOV/Kik). Am J Pathol. 2020 Jul;190(7):1449-1460. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2020.03.003. Epub 2020 Apr 8. PMID: 32275904; PMCID: PMC7322367.


Cross RW, Speranza E, Borisevich V, Widen SG, Wood TG, Shim RS, Adams RD, Gerhardt DM, Bennett RS, Honko AN, Johnson JC, Hensley LE, Geisbert TW, Connor JH. Comparative Transcriptomics in Ebola Makona-Infected Ferrets, Nonhuman Primates, and Humans. J Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 22;218(suppl_5):S486-S495. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy455. PMID: 30476250; PMCID: PMC6249602.


Schultz MJ, Frydman HM, Connor JH. Dual Insect specific virus infection limits Arbovirus replication in Aedes mosquito cells. Virology. 2018 Apr 3;518:406-413. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2018.03.022. [Epub ahead of print]


Speranza E, Bixler SL, Altamura LA, Arnold CE, Pratt WD, Taylor-Howell C, Burrows C, Aguilar W, Rossi F, Shamblin JD, Wollen SE, Zelko JM, Minogue T, Nagle E, Palacios G, Goff AJ, Connor JH. A conserved transcriptional response to intranasal Ebola virus exposure in nonhuman primates prior to onset of fever. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Mar 28;10(434). pii: eaaq1016. doi: 10.1126/


Schultz MJ, Connor JH, Frydman HM. Group B Wolbachia Strain-Dependent Inhibition of Arboviruses. DNA Cell Biol. 2018 Jan 3. doi: 10.1089/dna.2017.4025. [Epub ahead of print]



Speranza E, Altamura LA, Kulcsar K, Bixler SL, Rossi CA, Schoepp RJ, Nagle E, Aguilar W, Douglas CE, Delp KL, Minogue TD, Palacios G, Goff AJ, Connor JH. Comparison of Transcriptomic Platforms for Analysis of Whole Blood from Ebola-Infected Cynomolgus Macaques. Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 7;7(1):14756. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15145-7.


Lo J, Zhang D, Speranza E, Negron JA, Connor JH. HoTResDB: Host Transcriptional Response Database for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. Bioinformatics. 2017 Sep 22. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx599. [Epub ahead of print]


Trueb J, Avci O, Sevenler D, Connor JH, Ünlü MS. Robust Visualization and Discrimination of Nanoparticles by Interferometric Imaging. IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron. 2017 Mar-Apr;23(2). pii: 6900610. doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2016.2639824. Epub 2016 Dec 14.


Speranza E, Connor JH. Host Transcriptional Response to Ebola Virus Infection. Vaccines (Basel). 2017 Sep 20;5(3). pii: E30. doi: 10.3390/vaccines5030030.


Mounce BC, Olsen ME, Vignuzzi M, Connor JH. Polyamines and Their Role in Virus Infection. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2017 Sep 13;81(4). pii: e00029-17. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00029-17. Print 2017 Dec.


Nelson EV, Pacheco JR, Hume A, Cressey TN, Deflubé LR, Ruedas JB, Connor JH, Ebihara H, Mühlberger E. An RNA polymerase II-driven Ebola virus minigenome system as an advanced tool for antiviral drug screening. Antiviral Res. 2017 Aug 11. pii: S0166-3542(17)30445-X. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.08.005.


Daaboul GG, Freedman DS, Scherr SM, Carter E, Rosca A, Bernstein D, Mire CE, Agans KN, Hoenen T, Geisbert TW, Ünlü MS, Connor JH. Enhanced light microscopy visualization of virus particles from Zika virus to filamentous ebolaviruses. PLoS One. 2017 Jun 26;12(6):e0179728. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179728. eCollection 2017.


Carter EP, Seymour EÇ, Scherr SM, Daaboul GG, Freedman DS, Selim Ünlü M, Connor JH. Visualizing Ebolavirus Particles Using Single-Particle Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (SP-IRIS). Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1628:259-270. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7116-9_21.


Ruedas JB, Ladner J, Ettinger CR, Gummuluru S, Palacios G, Connor JH Spontaneous mutation at amino acid 544 of the Ebola glycoprotein potentiates virus entry and selection in tissue culture. J Virol. 2017 May 24. pii: JVI.00392-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00392-17


Schultz MJ, Isern S, Michael SF, Corley RB, Connor JH, Frydman HM. Variable inhibition of Zika virus replication by different Wolbachia strains in mosquito cell cultures. J Virol. 2017 Apr 26. pii: JVI.00339-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00339-17.


Ruedas JB and Connor JH. Generating Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Viruses for Use as Vaccine Platforms. Recombinant Virus Vaccines: Methods and Protocols. 2017. Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6869-5_12


Rossignol ED, Peters KN, Connor JH, Bullitt E. Zika Virus Induced Cellular Remodeling. Cell Microbiol. 2017 Mar 20. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12740.


Ünlü NL, Kanik FE, Seymour E, Connor JH, Ünlü MS. DNA-Directed Antibody Immobilization for Robust Protein Microarrays: Application to Single Particle Detection DNA-Directed Antibody Immobilization. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1571:187-206. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6848-0_12.


Scherr SM, Freedman DS, Agans KN, Rosca A, Carter E, Kuroda M, Fawcett HE, Mire CE, Geisbert TW, Ünlü MS, Connor JH. Disposable cartridge platform for rapid detection of viral hemorrhagic fever viruses. Lab Chip. 2017 Feb 28;17(5):917-925. doi: 10.1039/c6lc01528j.


Liu X, Speranza E, Muñoz-Fontela C, Haldenby S, Rickett NY, Garcia-Dorival I, Fang Y, Hall Y, Zekeng EG, Lüdtke A, Xia D, Kerber R, Krumkamp R, Duraffour S, Sissoko D, Kenny J, Rockliffe N, Williamson ED, Laws TR, N’Faly M, Matthews DA, Günther S, Cossins AR, Sprecher A, Connor JH, Carroll MW, Hiscox JA. Transcriptomic signatures differentiate survival from fatal outcomes in humans infected with Ebola virus. Genome Biol. 2017 Jan 19;18(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s13059-016-1137-3.


Olsen ME, Connor JH. Hypusination of eIF5A as a Target for Antiviral Therapy. DNA Cell Biol. 2017 Jan 12. doi: 10.1089/dna.2016.3611.



Wilson MR, Fedewa G, Stenglein MD, Olejnik J, Rennick LJ, Nambulli S, Feldmann F, Duprex WP, Connor JH, Mühlberger E, DeRisi JL. Multiplexed Metagenomic Deep Sequencing To Analyze the Composition of High-Priority Pathogen Reagents. mSystems. 2016 July 19;1(4). pii: e00058-16.


Fawcett H, Ünlü MS, Connor JH. New Approaches for Virus Detection through Multidisciplinary Partnerships. ASC Infectious Diseases. 2016 June 10;2(6):378-81. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.6b00063.


Caballero IS, Honko AN, Gire SK, Winnicki SM, Melé M, Gerhardinger C, Lin AE, Rinn JL, Sabeti PC, Hensley LE, Connor JH. In vivo Ebola virus infection leads to a strong innate response in circulating immune cells. BMC Genomics. 2016 Sep 5;17:707. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3060-0.


Olsen ME, Filone CM, Rozelle D, Mire CE, Agans KN, Hensley L, Connor JH. Polyamines and Hypusination Are Required for Ebolavirus Gene Expression and Replication. MBio. 2016 July 26;7(4). pii: e00882-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00882-16.


Scherr SM, Daaboul GG, Trueb J, Sevenler D, Fawcett H, Goldberg B, Connor JH, Ünlü MS. Real-Time Capture and Visualization of Individual Viruses in Complex Media. ACS Nano. 2016 Feb. 23;10(2):2827-33. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07948. Epub 2016 Jan 22.



Seymour E, Daaboul GG, Zhang X, Scherr SM, Ünlü NL, Connor JH, Ünlü MS. DNA-Directed Antibody Immobilization for Enhanced Detection of Single Viral Pathogens. Analytical Chemistry. 2015 Oct 20;87(20):10505-12. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b02702. Epub 2015 Oct 7.


Connor JH, Yen J, Caballero IS, Garamszegi S, Malhotra S, Lin K, Hensley L, Goff AJ. Transcriptional Profiling of the Immune Response to Marburg Virus Infection. Journal of Virology. 2015 Oct;89(19):9865-74. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01142-15. Epub 2015 Jul 22.


Lin KL, Twenhafel NA, Connor JH, Cashman KA, Shamblin JD, Donnelly GC, Esham HL, Wlazlowski CB, Johnson JC, Honko AN, Botto MA, Yen J, Hensley LE, Goff AJ. Temporal Characterization of Marburg Virus Angola Infection following Aerosol Challenge in Rhesus Macaques. Journal of Virology. 2015 Oct;89(19):9875-85. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01147-15. Epub 2015 Jul 22.


Mire CE, Geisbert JB, Versteeg KM, Mamaeva N, Agans KN, Geisbert TW, Connor JH. A Single-Vector, Single-Injection Trivalent Filovirus Vaccine: Proof of Concept Study in Outbred Guinea Pigs. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2015 Oct 1;212 Suppl 2:S384-8. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv126. Epub 2015 May 9.


Filone CM, Dower K, Cowley GS, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Probing the virus host interaction in high containment: an approach using pooled short hairpin RNA. ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies. 2015 Jan-Feb;13(1):34-43. doi: 10.1089/adt.2014.613. Epub 2015 Feb 3.



Caballero IS, Yen JY, Hensley LE, Honko AN, Goff AJ, Connor JH. Lassa and Marburg viruses elicit distinct host transcriptional responses early after infection. BMC Genomics. 2014 Nov 6;15:960. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-960.


Garamszegi S, Yen JY, Honko AN, Geisbert JB, Rubins KH, Geisbert TW, Xia Y, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Transcriptional correlates of disease outcome in anticoagulant-treated non-human primates infected with ebolavirus. PloS Neglacted Tropical Diseases. 2014 Jul 31;8(7):e3061. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003061. eCollection 2014.


Chung DH, Jonsson CB, Tower NA, Chu YK, Sahin E, Golden JE, Noah JW, Schroeder CE, Sotsky JB, Sosa MI, Cramer DE, McKellip SN, Rasmussen L, White EL, Schmaljohn CS, Julander JG, Smith JM, Filone CM, Connor JH, Sakurai Y, Davey RA. Discovery of a novel compound with anti-venezuelan equine encephalitis virus activity that targets the nonstructural protein 2. PloS Pathogens. 2014 Jun 26;10(6):e1004213. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004213. eCollection 2014.


Gammon DB, Duraffour S, Rozelle DK, Hehnly H, Sharma R, Sparks ME, West CC, Chen Y, Moresco JJ, Andrei G, Connor JH, Conte D Jr, Gundersen-Rindal DE, Marshall WL, Yates JR, Silverman N, Mello CC. A single vertebrate DNA virus protein disarms invertebrate immunity to RNA virus infection. eLife. 2014 Jun 25;3. doi: 10.7554/eLife.02910.


Rozelle DK, Filone CM, Dower K, Connor JH. Vaccinia reporter viruses for quantifying viral function at all stages of gene expression. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2014 May 15;(87). doi: 10.3791/51522.


Daaboul GG, Lopez CA, Chinnala J, Goldberg BB, Connor JH, Unlü MS. Digital sensing and sizing of vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotypes in complex media: a model for Ebola and Marburg detection. ACS Nano. 2014 Jun 24;8(6):6047-55. doi: 10.1021/nn501312q. Epub 2014 Jun 4.


Rozelle DK, Filone CM, Kedersha N, Connor JH. Activation of stress response pathways promotes formation of antiviral granules and restricts virus replication. Molecular Cell Biology. 2014 Jun;34(11):2003-16. doi: 10.1128/MCB.01630-13. Epub 2014 Mar 24.



Reddington AP, Trueb JT, Freedman DS, Tuysuzoglu A, Daaboul GG, Lopez CA, Karl WC, Connor JH, Fawcett H, Ünlu MS. An interferometric reflectance imaging sensor for point of care viral diagnostics. Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2013 Dec;60(12):3276-83. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2013.2272666.


Malhotra S, Yen JY, Honko AN, Garamszegi S, Caballero IS, Johnson JC, Mucker EM, Trefry JC, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Transcriptional profiling of the circulating immune response to lassa virus in an aerosol model of exposure. PLOS Neglacted Tropical Diseases. 2013 Apr 25;7(4):e2171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002171. Print 2013.


Filone CM, Hodges EN, Honeyman B, Bushkin GG, Boyd K, Platt A, Ni F, Strom K, Hensley L, Snyder JK, Connor JH. Identification of a broad-spectrum inhibitor of viral RNA synthesis: validation of a prototype virus-based approach. Chemistry &amp Biology. 2013 Mar 21;20(3):424-33. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2013.02.011.


Chan WM, Bartee EC, Moreb JS, Dower K, Connor JH, McFadden G. Myxoma and vaccinia viruses bind differentially to human leukocytes. Journal of Virology. 2013 Apr;87(8):4445-60. doi: 10.1128/JVI.03488-12. Epub 2013 Feb 6.


Hodges EN, Connor JH. Translational control by negative-strand RNA viruses: methods for the study of a crucial virus/host interaction. Methods. 2013 Feb;59(2):180-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2012.09.003. Epub 2012 Sep 23.



Hodges EN, Heinrich BS, Connor JH. A vesiculovirus showing a steepened transcription gradient and dominant trans-repression of virus transcription. Journal of Virology. 2012 Aug;86(16):8884-9. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00358-12. Epub 2012 Jun 6.


Dunn EF, Connor JH. HijAkt: The PI3K/Akt pathway in virus replication and pathogenesis. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. 2012;106:223-50. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-396456-4.00002-X.


Johnston SC, Lin KL, Connor JH, Ruthel G, Goff A, Hensley LE. In vitro inhibition of monkeypox virus production and spread by Interferon-β. Virology Journal. 2012 Jan 6;9:5. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-9-5.


Yurt A, Daaboul GG, Connor JH, Goldberg BB, Ünlü MS. Single nanoparticle detectors for biological applications. Nanoscale. 2012 Feb 7;4(3):715-26. doi: 10.1039/c2nr11562j. Epub 2012 Jan 3.


Dower K, Filone CM, Hodges EN, Bjornson ZB, Rubins KH, Brown LE, Schaus S, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Identification of a pyridopyrimidinone inhibitor of orthopoxviruses from a diversity-oriented synthesis library. Journal of Virology. 2012 Mar;86(5):2632-40. doi: 10.1128/JVI.05416-11. Epub 2011 Dec 28.



Yen JY, Garamszegi S, Geisbert JB, Rubins KH, Geisbert TW, Honko A, Xia Y, Connor JH, Hensley LE. Therapeutics of Ebola hemorrhagic fever: whole-genome transcriptional analysis of successful disease mitigation. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2011 Nov;204 Suppl 3:S1043-52. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir345.


Yanik AA, Cetin AE, Huang M, Artar A, Mousavi SH, Khanikaev A, Connor JH, Shvets G, Altug H. Seeing protein monolayers with naked eye through plasmonic Fano resonances. PNAS. 2011 Jul 19;108(29):11784-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1101910108. Epub 2011 Jun 29.


Lopez CA, Daaboul GG, Ahn S, Reddington AP, Monroe MR, Zhang X, Irani RJ, Yu C, Genco CA, Cretich M, Chiari M, Goldberg BB, Connor JH, Ünlü MS. Biomolecular detection employing the Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (IRIS). Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2011 May 3;(51). pii: 2694. doi: 10.3791/2694.


Dower K, Rubins KH, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Development of Vaccinia reporter viruses for rapid, high content analysis of viral function at all stages of gene expression. Antiviral Research. 2011 Jul;91(1):72-80. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2011.04.014. Epub 2011 May 5.


Lopez CA, Daaboul GG, Vedula RS, Ozkumur E, Bergstein DA, Geisbert TW, Fawcett HE, Goldberg BB, Connor JH, Unlü MS. Label-free multiplexed virus detection using spectral reflectance imaging. Biosensors and Bioelectric. 2011 Apr 15;26(8):3432-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2011.01.019. Epub 2011 Jan 22.


Simpson-Holley M, Kedersha N, Dower K, Rubins KH, Anderson P, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Formation of antiviral cytoplasmic granules during orthopoxvirus infection. Journal of Virology. 2011 Feb;85(4):1581-93. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02247-10. Epub 2010 Dec 8.



Yanik AA, Huang M, Kamohara O, Artar A, Geisbert TW, Connor JH, Altug H. An optofluidic nanoplasmonic biosensor for direct detection of live viruses from biological media. Nano Letters. 2010 Dec 8;10(12):4962-9. doi: 10.1021/nl103025u. Epub 2010 Nov 5.


Dunn EF, Connor JH. Dominant inhibition of Akt/protein kinase B signaling by the matrix protein of a negative-strand RNA virus. Journal of Virology. 2011 Jan;85(1):422-31. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01671-10. Epub 2010 Oct 27.


Smith DR, McCarthy S, Chrovian A, Olinger G, Stossel A, Geisbert TW, Hensley LE, Connor JH. Inhibition of heat-shock protein 90 reduces Ebola virus replication. Antiviral Research. 2010 Aug;87(2):187-94. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2010.04.015. Epub 2010 May 7.



Dunn EF, Fearns R, Connor JH. Akt inhibitor Akt-IV blocks virus replication through an Akt-independent mechanism. Journal of Virology. 2009 Nov;83(22):11665-72. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01092-09. Epub 2009 Sep 9.