The Hoopoe Tells The Birds Of The Seven Valleys

I drew the Hoopoe describing the journey as a treasure map because I believe the birds are on a journey to find their own treasure of sorts: the Simorgh. I incorporated the original Persian text that leads to each valley in order to try and create authenticity of my drawing. I also marked each point where the valleys are by an eye, because each valley requires insight, reflection, and self examination. I also tried to include things related to the valleys next to their valley points. For example, the valley of quest is drawn to mimic the actual artwork used for it in this website; the valley of love is depicted as a volcano to showcase the fiery journey that it entails; the valley of insight into mystery is is showcased by a question mark within the eye; the valley of detachment is made up of dispersed land pieces; for the valley of unity, I drew landforms and water marks that resemble a handshake; for the valley of bewilderment, I drew the eye within an alcove that resembles a question mark; and for the valley of poverty and nothingness, I drew nothing. The drawing of the Hoopoe is heavily inspired by the Hoopoe illustrated in Peter Sis’ edition of The Conference of The Birds.
I drew this on a drawing app called SketchBook.
Background music:
composition for Tar downloaded from