
Graduate Student Panel (10/26/20)

Thanks to everyone who attended the Graduate Student Panel, and many thanks to all of the graduate students who volunteered their time to talk to us tonight!

If you weren't able to make it, you can find the recorded event on the Event Recordings page.


Chemia Team


Welcome back!

We know this semester is crazy different from all the ones you had before (and if you are a freshman or transfer student, welcome!), and that things are looking very different!

Despite all of this craziness, Chemia will still be holding tutoring sessions for all of your chemistry needs :)

However, due to room capacity troubles, we will be holding Chemia tutoring on Zoom.

The first tutoring session will be on Zoom Monday, 9/14 from 6-8 pm.

Meeting ID: 919 9389 6338

Passcode: chemia


See you there!

-Chemia Team :)

Calling the Seniors: Personal Statement Workshop


On Wednesday October 30th we will do a short workshop from 6-7pm on writing personal statements for graduate school. John Snyder will talk about what schools are looking for in these statements and a little bit about how to approach it. Seniors are welcome to bring a draft and have it peer reviewed and get feedback from other seniors.


Research Night Coming Up!


Hi all, mark your calendars for our annual research night. This year we are excited to have Professor Ramesh Jasti presenting his research and talking a bit about undergraduate research in the chem department. You don’t want to miss this, so mark your planner for October 9th at 6pm!


Ready for Fall ’13? We are!!


Welcome back fellow and new chemies! It was wonderful to see so many new faces at our welcome back meeting on 9/11 and I hope to keep seeing you all around the department and at Chemia.

Our schedule for the semester, different than previous years!**

Tuesdays: 6-8pm tutoring in SCI 512

Wednesdays: 6-8pm tutoring or Chemia event, SCI 294

If you did not join us this week, please email to get on our contact list (info about workshops, tutoring, chemical fun stuff, etc) and we will keep you updated. Chemia meetings/events will take different forms, sometimes a workshop, sometimes a speaker, sometimes just a space to talk chemistry. If you have ideas, let us know! Looking forward to a great semester here.

Chemically yours, Sarah

Welcome (back) to BU!


Hi everyone,

I’d like to take a moment to welcome you (back) to BU on behalf of all of Chemia, the undergraduate chemistry organization here at BU. We offer free tutoring on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8pm in SCI 294. Feel free to show up with your questions, no appointment necessary, and we’ll do our best to help you. We will be organizing additional meetings to bring chemistry to the community, as well as to help out young aspiring chemists achieve their goals.

Chemically yours,
Josh Nelson

January Meeting


There will be an informal Chemia meeting on Monday, January 23 from 6-8pm in SCI 294 so that we can all get to know each other a little better. There will be free food and drink, as there is for all meetings, so drop by and socialize for at least a little while!

Merck Trip



The visit to Merck was quite the success! We got to see first-hand state of the art medical research laboratories, as well as hear some of the life experiences of several Merck employees that brought them to the company. Also, we were provided with an excellent lunch where we got to talk to and get to know the speakers.

A special thank you to Sada Breegi for inviting us to Merck and planning the day for us!