Yanyi Weng

Yanyi Weng, MSW is a Double Eagle with graduate degree from Boston College School of Social Work (BCSSW) with Health and Mental Health concentration and Bachelor’s Degree from Lynch School of Education (LSOE) majoring in Human Behavior and Applied Psychology and minoring in Special Education. Yanyi’s research interests include education equality in the immigrant communities and special needs population and exploration of interracial injustice through historical lens of systemic racism and restorative justice. As a Chinese interpreter, Yanyi has years of experience serving populations from children to elderly in community, school and health care setting. Some past research projects include exploration of racial dynamic in Haiti and Dominican Republic and the impact of restavec system in Haiti, and academic contribution on zero tolerance policy and restorative justice and school to prison pipeline. Grew up in Boston Chinatown, Yanyi has strong ties to community organizations such as Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center and is a former member of Major’s Youth Council. These experiences contribute to her commitment to give back to the immigrant communities at the clinical and macro level. As a community activist, an educator, and a multilingual mental health clinical with experience working in local non-profit and state level organizations, Yanyi seeks to offer refreshing perspective to participating research studies in social science field. Her research mission is to bridge the knowledge gap and humanize theories to benefit individuals and communities in need.