CAS First-Year Registration Checklist
The checklist below will guide you through the registration process. Please read each step thoroughly.
STEP #1: Complete your Pre-Registration Action Items
1. Create your BU login & email account (skip if you have already created your BU login and email):
This login will serve as your official BU email account, which is the primary communication method BU will use going forward. It will also allow you access to secure University resources. You must activate this account before completing any of the steps below. You should receive an email with instructions to set up your email account after paying your enrollment deposit. You can also find comprehensive instructions here.
2. Sign up for Orientation:
Please sign up for Orientation by June 10th, 2024. If you are trying to register for Orientation after the 6/10 deadline, please email
3. Set up academic and/or housing accommodations for qualified students with disabilities:
If you are eligible for academic and/or housing accommodations, you should begin working with Disability & Access Services (DAS) as soon as possible. To begin:
- Fill out the DAS online Intake Form.
- Upload your documentation to your new Accommodate Portal. You can also fax (617-353-9646) or email ( your documentation to DAS directly.
- Schedule an intake appointment with a DAS staff member by calling 617-353-3658.
- For more information, please see the DAS website.
STEP #2: Familiarize Yourself with Degree Requirements
Please use the links below to further explore your Hub, language, and potential major requirements. Don’t worry about trying to memorize or understand every detail; we just want you to have a general understanding for now.
- The BU Hub – Review the general education requirements for all BU students.
- Language Requirement – CAS requires all students to demonstrate or develop proficiency at or above the fourth-semester level in one language other than English. BU’s exceptional course offerings in 27 different languages allow you to maximize your undergraduate experience by gaining language proficiency and developing essential intercultural skills for living, studying, and working with others around the world.
- Major Program Requirements – Explore the requirements for the major(s) you are interested in. Please note: specific course registration instructions by major are provided in Step #4.
- External Credit through Examination Scores – Review how your specific advanced credit (e.g. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, etc.) will count towards your degree.
STEP #3. Explore Specialized Academic Opportunities
BU offers a variety of specialized courses and academic programming that may be of interest to you. Use the links below to explore these opportunities!
- Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Health and Pre-Law – Recommended if you are interested in law, dentistry, nursing, medicine, optometry, physician assistant studies, veterinary medicine, or other related health fields.
- Core Program – A comprehensive interdisciplinary curriculum for students who enjoy classic texts, intellectual discussion, and community.
- BU Hub Opportunities – In addition to Hub courses, there are several distinct and innovative Hub learning experiences that encourage exploration and allow students to engage with faculty, staff, and students across the University.
- Our Hub Social & Racial Justice courses help students explore the historical and systemic bases of racial and social inequities and develop skills around advocacy and action. If this interests you, consider registering for HUB SJ 101 Social & Racial Justice 1: Systems & Structures. HUB SJ 101 is open to first-year and sophomore students and fulfills three Hub requirements.
- Hub Cocurriculars are open to all BU undergraduates. They are 0-unit, ungraded experiences that combine hands-on activities, discussion, and reflection and fulfill one Hub requirement.
- Hub Pathways are sets of interdisciplinary courses that cover a specific topic: either Social & Racial Justice or Environment & Society. Combined, the courses in each pathway provide an in-depth understanding of their topic while also fulfilling many, if not all, Hub requirements. Hub Pathways are fully elective, and students can choose to incorporate as many courses within a particular Hub Pathway as they wish.
- Hub Interdisciplinary Courses are a series of introductory-level classes that introduce students to exciting topics of broad appeal from a multidisciplinary perspective.
STEP #4. Begin Registering for Courses
Registration Guides for Each Major (including Undeclared) – Review a detailed breakdown of the four recommended courses you should register for based on your intended major.