Scientific Publications from Cape Cod Health Study

Below are scientific publications from Phase 1 of the Cape Cod Health Study. You can read more about each publication if you click on the citation.


The purpose of this analysis was to examine the risk of developing disorders of learning, attention and behavior following early life exposure to drinking water contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE). We found that early life exposure to PCE was not associated with attention and learning later in life.


Some individuals in the Cape Cod Health Study participated in neuropsychological testing. This sub-study examined performance on these tests in relation to early life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water. Our results suggest an association between early life exposure to PCE and decreased performance on neuropsychological tests for learning, memory, and attention.


Some individuals in the Cape Cod Health Study participated in vision exams. This sub-study examined the association between early life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water and visual deficiencies color vision and contrast sensitivity. Our results suggest that PCE exposure may be associated with long-term sub-clinical visual dysfunction in adulthood such as reduced contrast sensitivity and poorer color discrimination.


Some participants in the Cape Cod Health Study participated in brain imaging studies. The purpose of this sub-study was to examine the impact of early life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water on brain structure as seen in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results suggest that early life exposure to PCE does not result in any changes in brain structure.


The purpose of this analysis was to examine whether early life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water influenced cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use among teens and adults. The results suggest that risky behaviors, particularly illicit drug use, are more frequent among teens and adults who experienced high PCE exposure levels during gestation and early childhood.


The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the impact of early life exposure to alcoholic beverages and PCE-contaminated drinking water on developing risk-taking behaviors as a teenager. Participants with early life exposure to both PCE and alcohol had an increased risk of using two or more drugs as a teen. This report also describes the difficulties in conducting research on long-term behavioral effects of early life exposures.


The purpose of this analysis was to examine whether early life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water influenced the risk of developing depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia later in life. The results suggest that early life exposure to PCE does not increase the risk of depression. However, the results suggest that early life exposure to PCE may increase the risk of bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.


The purpose of this analysis was to examine whether exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water during pregnancy and in early childhood influenced the risk of a variety of chronic conditions during adulthood. No associations were observed between early life PCE exposure and current occurrence of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, color blindness, near- and far sightedness and dry eyes. However, a small increased risk of cancer was seen among individuals with any early life exposure. This result was based on a small number of people and needs to be confirmed with additional data.


The purpose of this analysis was to examine the risk of unintentional head injuries following exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water during gestation and early childhood. We did not observe any evidence of an increased risk of any type of head injury among those exposed to PCE.


This review summarizes our research on the neurological health consequences of early-life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water. The review describes our study methods and findings on neurological outcomes during adulthood, including vision, neuropsychological functioning, brain structure, risky behaviors, and mental illness. The results suggest that early-life exposure to PCE-contaminated drinking water has long-term effects including increased risks of illicit drug use, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.