Cape Cod Health Study
The Cape Cod Health Study is a non-profit research study being conducted at Boston University. The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
The study examines how environmental and social factors work together to influence a person’s well-being. Men and women who lived in the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts anytime from 1969 through 1983 are eligible. Thus, everyone in the study lived on Cape Cod for at least part of their childhood.
About ten years ago, you completed a health questionnaire for Phase 1 of this study. We learned a great deal from the results of Phase 1. You can see summaries of our scientific publications if you click on “Research Publications.”
We are now conducting Phase 2 of the study to learn even more about factors that shape the health of people from the Cape Cod area. Phase 2 also involves completing a questionnaire about your health, lifestyle, and childhood and adult experiences. The questionnaire should take about 45 minutes to complete. To access the questionnaire please click on the “Questionnaire” tab along the banner at the top of this page. Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we will give you a $10 Amazon gift card as a token of our thanks.