Pediatrics Research Symposium
On September 5th, the PEDS group held a research symposium to highlight how some of the second-year medical students have engaged in opportunities related to pediatrics. The panel was facilitated by our very own Chief of Pediatrics Dr. Vinci and panelists were Lauren Sweetser, Megan Colwell, Gen Guyol, Teng Peng, and Olivia Humbarger. Lauren talked about REACh, a service learning opportunity that she has created, her summer involvement in the Child Health and Advocacy Project (CHAP), and her work as a student leader in the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MCAAP). Megan also participated in CHAP during the summer and worked on Sidekicks, a program that pairs medical students with patients in the hematology department. Gen talked about her research in the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Department and work with the Parent Engagement Subcommittee of Mayor Walsh's Universal Pre-K Advisory Committee. Teng shared his experience doing research in Atlanta during the summer funded by a grant from the American Pediatrics Society. Olivia received funding during the summer from the Medical Student Summer Research Program at BUSM to continue research that she started last year in the neonatology. First year students asked questions about how to find research mentors, how to get involved in projects, and how to find time to engage in these projects. Thank you so much to all of our panelists, to the first years for attending, and to Dr. Vinci for facilitating the panel!