Be involved with soccer for young athletes with disabilities!

We received this opportunity to be involved with a soccer team in the South End that coaches 7/8 year old boys and girls. Please see the following message:


My name is Valeda Britton and I am the Executive Director of Community Relations for the Med Campus.

Each year, my office sponsors one of the Fall South End Soccer teams. We usually sponsor the 7/8 yr old boys & girls team. The nice thing about being a sponsor is that South End Soccer is free for over 340 youth living in Boston.  Our assistance  helps with equipment and uniforms.

My friend and President at South End Soccer is looking for volunteers to be Coaches & “Buddies” for TopSoccer at Rotch Playground (30 Randolph Street between Harrison and Albany Streets). This will involve assisting young athletes with disabilities to participate in  structured fun activities.

The commitment is 2 hours (8:30-10:30 am)  on Saturdays mornings from  the end of September to November (approximately 5  weeks).  If you are interested in TopSoccer either as a coach or “buddy”, please contact me at and I can put them in touch with my contact or they can email or Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.


See flyer here: SES_programs & volunteers_2016