Updates from the AAP!

Dear Future Pediatricians,


We hope your summers have been off to a wonderful start. We wanted to provide you a quick summer update on the opportunities that are coming up in the AAP in the hope that you will forward them to your interest group members.


  1. Submit ideas for SOMSRFT Resolutions:Often times we are frustrated by something that we might see in clinic or read about in the news, and it seems like we just can’t have an impact on it. For example the impact of poverty on our patients or the lack of appropriate mental health services could be affecting your patients, but you might not feel like you have the man-power or the skills to be able to appropriately address the problem. On the other hand it would be great to have the resources and skills of the AAP available to tackle this issue, and creating resolutions is a way to do that. Please fill out the interest form to let us know what issue you would like to see the AAP work on and we will connect with you about creating a resolution around this issue. Please submitted the online form by Friday, July 17, 2015.

  2. F.A.C.E Campaign Poverty Map –  Please let us know what your interest groups are doing to engage the F.A.C.E. Poverty advocacy campaign  via twitter @AAPSOMSRFT (#FACEPoverty and #PutKids1st), facebook or email. We are making an interactive Google map to highlight the diverse efforts of medical students and residents throughout the country in advocating for our pediatric patients living in poverty. In order to make this component of the campaign as thorough and representative as possible, we need your help in populating the map. Please submit 3-5 advocacy projects from your region using the Google form linked to this email by August 15, 2015. Feel free to reach out to  aeporto@bu.edu on any questions on the campaign.

  3. AAP National Conference in Washington, DC Oct 24-27,2015:  Registration  is FREE to all medical students. Special programming for medical students is on Saturday, October 24th!  It’s a wonderful conference to attend, and a great way to see all the opportunities that AAP has to offer. Also, AAP has limited scholarships available for travel though these are limited to individuals who are members of AAP( dues are 20 dollars). More information can be found here .


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if there is anything that we can do to facilitate your child advocacy or education efforts over the summer/coming year, or if you are interested in getting more involved in the AAP. Please also continue to keep us updated on the programming and successes of your pediatric interest group.  


For kids,

Nan Du

MS4, Warren Alpert Medical School – Brown University

District I Representative, AAP Medical Student Subcommittee


Gen Guyol

MS3, Boston University School of Medicine

Assistant District I Representative, AAP Medical Student Subcommittee



Shannon Brockman

Chair, AAP Medical Student Subcommittee

PGY-1, National Capital Consortium Pediatrics

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
