Opportunity for Medical Students Interested in Medical Education

We would like to share a summer research opportunity for medical students interested in medical education.  It would be a good project for a first-year medical student during the summer or for a rising fourth-year who is interested as doing a research/educational elective as part of their schedule before applying to residency.  From Dr. Ariel Winn, Associate Program Director of the Boston Combined Residency Program and a Hospitalist at Boston Children’s Hospital:


We are launching a pilot intern boot camp in June and are planning to study the project. I am looking for a medical student who may be interested in helping with the study (probably would involve data collection from families) from 6/24-7/28 of this year.  It is a pretty ideal project for anyone interested in med ed because the data collection period is short and we would obviously include them in any publication, etc.  It would be essentially a full time job during that period M-F.


If you are interested, please contact Dr. Winn directly at ariel.winn@childrens.harvard.edu or contact Dr. Thompson (rachel.thompson@bmc.org) and she will pass along your information to Dr. Winn.