BUSM Peds Interest Group Newsletter

BUSM Pediatrics Interest Group Newsletter


Thank you for reading!  We will use this bimonthly newsletter to share information about upcoming opportunities and events.  For more regular updates, please visit our blog at http://sites.bu.edu/busmpeds/


Pediatrics Department Grand Rounds and Case of the Week

Medical students are invited to attend the Pediatrics Department’s weekly Grand Rounds (Thursdays) and Case of the Week (Fridays) from 8-9am.  Grand Rounds are presentations on topics related to pediatrics such as recent pharmacological advances or advocacy campaigns.  During Case of the Week, a physician presents a complicated case with related literature citations (think IP!).  We have updated the spring sign-up to include speakers and topics for the grand rounds.  Please sign up here to attend.


Shadowing in the Pediatrics Department

Thank you to our faculty advisor Dr. Rachel Thompson who has helped us assemble a list of BMC physicians whom students interested in shadowing can contact.  Please visit our blog to find the excel spreadsheet with contact information.


Pediatrics Department Research

We are excited to help connect students interested in research opportunities in pediatrics with mentors.  We will continue to share opportunities with students.  Please check our blog for updates.


Pediatric Mentorship Program

The Peds Board is in the process of developing a mentorship/buddy program between Pediatric residents and students keen on entering Pediatrics. Stay tuned to our blog and emails for more details in the near future!


List Serve for Students Interested in Pediatrics

If you have not yet subscribed to our list serve, please email busmpeds@gmail.com to indicate that you would like to be added.  We will use this list to share opportunities related to pediatrics.  Please also use this to share any opportunities that you find related to pediatrics.  To send a message to the group, you


Upcoming Events

  • Peds Interest Group leadership applications for the 2015-2016 school year are due January 23rd at 11:59pm.  An email was sent on January 9th to all first-year students.  Email peds.busm@gmail.com if you have any questions.
  • Watch your email for information about CHAP (Child Health and Advocacy Project), a funded opportunity for medical students to design and execute and advocacy project during the summer between their first and second year of medical school.


Opportunities for Students

  • Interested in serving on the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Immigrant Child Health Committee?  Dr. Julia Koehler, the committee chair, is looking for medical student to serve on the committee.  Please email her at Julia.koehler@childrens.harvard.edu if you are interested.
  • Want to write for the PEDS blog?  Please email peds.busm@gmail.com.  We are looking for short pieces about events that you have attended or projects that you are working on related to pediatrics.
  • Interested in writing an article for the American Academy of Pediatrics Medical Student News?  Learn more here.  Email aapmedstudentnews@gmail.com if you have an idea for an article.
  • Want to organize a 2015 pediatrics interest group lunch talk or event?  Email peds.busm@gmail.com with your idea for a topic, speaker, or event.