October 2 Grand Rounds

by Anita Knopov (BUSM I)

On October 2nd, I attended the Pediatrics Grand Rounds. The speaker, Dr. Mirochnick, was discussing the topic: “Antiretroviral Pharmacology in Pregnant Women and Their Infants: Implications for Prevention and Treatment of HIV”.  As first year medical students, we do not have much exposure to pharmacology, but Dr. Mirochnick’s presentation was extremely helpful as we begin to mentally organize the relevant parts of anatomy lectures and categorize those aspects that are relevant to maternal-fetal medicine. We have only had several lectures on embryological development, and have discussed possible congenital anomalies that can appear due to disturbances in normal development. It was interesting to hear Dr. Mirochnick speak about the principles governing antiretroviral clinical pharmacology and the problem of the lack of available pharmacological interventions for pregnant women.  I think it was most interesting to examine this topic from not only a scientific angle, but also to discuss those aspects of policy that contribute to the issue.

Please sign up here if you are interested in attending Pediatrics Department Grand Rounds or Case of the Week:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JOFRWKtptzbEyCQ6LHQ2cjkQvHMi66bGfurzdvPgd4w/edit#gid=1819616416