Journal Publications:
“Blister test to measure the out-of-plane shear modulus of few-layer graphene” M.Calis, N.G. Boddeti and J.S. Bunch, Nanoscale (2025). (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“A Molecularly Impermeable Polymer from Two-Dimensional Polyaramids” C.L. Ritt, M. Quien, Z. Wei, H. Gress, M.T. Dronadula, K. Altmisdort, Y.-M. Tu, M. Gadaloff, N.R. Aluru, K.L. Ekinci, J.S. Bunch, and M.S. Strano , submitted (2024). (ChemRxiv preprint)
“Adhesion of 2D MoS2 to Graphite and Metal Substrates Measured by a Blister Test” M. Calis, D. Lloyd, N. Boddeti, and J. S. Bunch, Nano Letters, Nano Letters, 23, 2607–2614 (2023) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“Voltage gated inter-cation selective ion channels from graphene nanopores” L. Cantley, J.L. Swett, D. Lloyd, D. A. Cullen, K. Zhou, P. V. Bedworth, S. Heise, A. J. Rondinone, Z. Zhu, S. Sinton, and J.S. Bunch, Voltage gated inter-cation selective ion channels from graphene nanopores, Nanoscale, 11, 9856 (2019). (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“Monolayer MoS2 strained to 1.3% with a Microelectromechanical System” J.W. Christopher, M. Vutukuru, D. Lloyd, J. S. Bunch, B. B. Goldberg, D. J. Bishop, and A. K. Swan, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 28, 254 (2019) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“Transient thermal characterization of suspended monolayer MoS2” R. J. Dolleman, D. Lloyd, J.S. Bunch, H. S. J. van der Zant, and P. G. Steeneken,Physical Review Materials, 2, 114008, (2018) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“Recent progresses on 2D materials beyond graphene: From Ripples, Defects, Intercalation, and Valley Dynamics, to Straintronics, Power dissipaters and Borophene” Z. Lin, Y. Lei, S. Subramanian, N. Briggs, Y. Wang, C-L. Lo, E. Yalon, D. Lloyd, S. Wu, K. Koski, N. Guisinger, R. Clark, S. Das, R. M. Wallace, T. Kuech, J. S. Bunch, X. Li, Z. Chen, E. Pop, V. H. Crespi, J. A. Robinson, and M. Terrones, APL Materials 6 (8), 080701 (2018). (pdf) (journal link)
“Adhesion, Stiffness, and Instability in Atomically Thin MoS2 Bubbles” D. Lloyd, X. Liu, N. Boddeti, L. Cantley, R. Long, M. L. Dunn, and J. S. Bunch, Nano Letters, Nano Letters, 17, 5329–5334 (2017) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“A Review on Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of 2D Materials – Graphene and Beyond” D. Akinwande, C. Brennan, J. S. Bunch, P. Egberts, J. Felts, H. Gao, R. Huang*, J. Kim, T. Li, Y. Li, K. M. Liechti*, N. Lu, H. Park, E. Reed, B. I. Yakobson, T. Zhang, Y.W. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Zhu, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 42-72 (2017) (pdf) (arXiv preprint) (journal link)
“Band Gap Engineering with Ultralarge Biaxial Strains in Suspended Monolayer MoS2” D. Lloyd, X. Liu, J. Christopher, L. Cantley, A. Wadehra, B. Kim, A.K. Swan, B.B. Goldberg, and J.S. Bunch, Nano Letters, 16, 5836-5841 (2016) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link) Correction (pdf) (journal link)
“Mathematical Analysis of Time-varying, Stochastic Gas Transport through Graphene Membranes” L. W. Drahushuk, L. Wang, S. P. Koenig, J. S. Bunch, and M.S. Strano, ACS Nano, 10, 786-795 (2016) (pdf and supporting material) (journal link)
“Molecular valves for controlling gas phase transport made from discrete angstrom-sized pores in graphene” L. Wang, L. W. Drahushuk, L. Cantley, S. P. Koenig, X. Liu, J. Pellegrino, M.S. Strano, and J. S. Bunch, Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 785-790 (2015) (pdf and supporting material) (arXiv preprint) (journal link) Press: Boston University
“Large Arrays and Properties of 3-Terminal Graphene Nanoelectromechanical Switches” X. Liu, J. W. Suk, N. G. Boddeti, L. Cantley, L. Wang, J. M. Gray, H. J. Hall, V. M. Bright, C. T. Rogers, M. L. Dunn, R. S. Ruoff, and J. S. Bunch, Advanced Materials, 26,1571-1576 (2014) (pdf and supporting material) (journal link).
“Graphene Blisters with Switchable Shapes Controlled by Pressure and Adhesion” N. G. Boddeti, X. Liu, R. Long, J. Xiao, J. S. Bunch, and M. L. Dunn, Nano Letters, 13, 6216-6221 (2013) (pdf and supporting material) (journal link).
“Mechanics of Adhered, Pressurized Graphene Blisters” N. G. Boddeti, S. P. Koenig, R. Long, J. Xiao, J. S. Bunch, and M. L. Dunn, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80, 040909 (2013) (pdf) (arXiv preprint) (journal link).
“Observation of Pull-in Instability in Graphene Membranes under Interfacial Forces” X. Liu, N. G. Boddeti, M. R. Szpunar, L. Wang, M. A. Rodriguez, R. Long, J. Xiao, M. L. Dunn, and J. S. Bunch, Nano Letters, 13, 2309-2313 (2013) (pdf and supporting material) (journal link) (arXiv preprint).
“Selective Molecular Sieving through Porous Graphene”S. P. Koenig, L. Wang, J. Pellegrino, and J. S. Bunch, Nature Nanotechnology, 7, 728-732 (2012). (pdf and supporting material) (journal link) (arXiv preprint) Press: University of Colorado News, AZoM interview, MRS Bulletin, azonano.
“Ultrathin Oxide Films by Atomic Layer Deposition on Graphene”L. Wang, J. J. Travis, A. S. Cavanagh, X. Liu, S. P. Koenig, P. Y. Huang, S. M. George, and J. S. Bunch, Nano Letters, 12, 3706-3710 (2012). (pdf and supporting material) (journal link) (arXiv preprint)
“Adhesion Mechanics of Graphene Membranes (review article)” J. S. Bunch and M. L. Dunn, Solid State Communications Special Issue on Graphene, 152, 1359-1364, (2012). (pdf) (journal link) (arXiv preprint )
“Ultrastrong Adhesion of Graphene Membranes” S. P. Koenig, N. G. Boddeti, M. L. Dunn, J. S. Bunch, Nature Nanotechnology 6, 543-546 (2011). (pdf and supporting information) (News and Views) (journal link) (arXiv preprint) Press: University of Colorado News reprinted in: NSF News, IEEESpectrum,, Nanowerk, Nextbigfuture, ScienceDaily, bitsofscience, AZonano.
“Putting a Damper on Nanoresonators” J. S. Bunch, Nature Nanotechnology 6, 331-332 (2011). (pdf) (journal link)
“Ultra-Short Optical Pulse Generation with Single Layer Graphene” C. -C. Lee, G. Acosta, J. S. Bunch, and T. R. Schibli, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 19, 767-771 (2010). (pdf) (journal link) (arXiv preprint)
“Impermeable Atomic Membranes from Graphene Sheets” J. S. Bunch, S. S. Verbridge, J. S. Alden, A. M. van der Zande, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, and P. L. McEuen, Nano Letters 8, 2458-2462 (2008). (pdf and supporting material) (journal link) (arXiv preprint) Press:Cornell Chronicle, MSNBC, Slashdot, Nanowerk News,
“Voltage and Length-Depedent Phase Diagram of the Electronic Transport in Carbon Nanotubes” P. Sundqvist, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, F. Flores, M. Moreno-Moreno, C. Gomez-Navarro, J. S. Bunch, and J. Gomez-Herrero, Nano Letters 7, 2568-2573 (2007). (pdf) (journal link)
“Electromechanical Resonators from Graphene Sheets” J. S. Bunch, A. M. van der Zande, S. S. Verbridge, I. W. Frank, D. M. Tanenbaum, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, and P. L. McEuen, Science, 315, 490-493 (2007). (pdf and supporting material) (journal link) Press: Chemistry World.
“Coulomb oscillations and Hall effect in quasi-2D graphite quantum dots” J. S. Bunch, Y. Yaish, M. Brink, K. Bolotin, and P. L. McEuen, Nano Letters 5 , 287-290 (2005).(pdf) (journal link) Press: Physics Today
“Noncontact-AFM imaging of molecular surfaces using single-wall carbon nanotube technology” J. S. Bunch, T. N. Rhodin, and P. L. McEuen, Nanotechnology 15, S76-S78 (2004). (pdf) (journal link)
“Controlled assembly of dendrimer-like DNA” Y. G. Li, Y. D. Tseng, S. Y. Kwon, L. D’Espaux, J. S. Bunch, P. L. McEuen, and D. Luo, Nature Materials 3, 38-42 (2004). (pdf) (journal link)
“Fractional conductance quantization in metallic nanoconstrictions under electrochemical potential control” C. Shu, C. Z. Li, H. X. He, A. Bogozi, J. S. Bunch, and N. J. Tao, Physical Review Letters 84, 5196-5199 (2000). (pdf) (journal link)
“Molecular detection based on conductance quantization of nanowires” C. Z. Li, H. X. He, A. Bogozi, J. S. Bunch, and N. J. Tao, Applied Physics Letters 76, 1333-1335 (2000). (pdf) (journal link)
Conference Proceedings:
H.J. Hall, L. Wang, J. S. Bunch, S. Pourkamali, and V.M. Bright, Optical control and tuning of thermal-piezoresistive self-sustained oscillators, 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), (2014). (pdf) (journal link)
H.J. Hall, D.E. Walker, L. Wang, R.C. Fitch, J. S. Bunch, S. Pourkamali, and V.M. Bright, Mode Selection Behavior of VHF Thermal-Piezoresisitve Self-Sustained Oscillators, Transducers (2013). (pdf) (journal link)
C. Lee, G. Acosta, J. S. Bunch, T. R. Schibli, Ultra-short optical pulse generation with single layer graphene, paper O-11 on The International Conference on Nanophotonics, Tsukuba Japan (2010). (journal link) (arXiv preprint)
C. C. Lee, G. Acosta, S. Bunch, T. R. Schibli, Mode-Locking of an Er:Yb:Glass Laser with Single Layer Graphene, paper TuE29 in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010). (pdf) (journal link)
“Mechanical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures by a Blister Test” Metehan Calis, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2023 (link) (pdf coming soon)
“Engineering with Atomically thin Materials: Making Crystal Grains, Strains, and Nanoporous Membranes” David Lloyd, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2020 (pdf)
“Adhesion and mechanics of 2D heterostructures” Metehan Calis, M.S. Thesis, May 2018 (link) (pdf)
“Biomimetic Nanopores from Atomically Thin Membranes” Lauren Cantley, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2017 (link) (pdf)
“Mechanics and Gas Transport of Ultrathin Membranes” Luda Wang, Ph.D. Thesis, August 2015 (pdf)
“Nanomechanical Systems from 2D Materials” Xinghui Liu, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2014 (pdf)
“Graphene Membranes: Mechanics, Adhesion, and Gas Separations” Steven Koenig, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2013 (pdf) (link)
“Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Sheets” Scott Bunch, Ph.D. Thesis, May 2008 (pdf)
Page Last Updated: 12/12/24