Group Pictures
Metehan Calis graduates with a Ph.D. in May 2023.
Summer Lab Party on 6/9/2019
Scott turns 40 and Gaby turns?? – November 2018.
Lauren Cantley graduates with a Ph.D. in May 2017.Summer 2015 REU students in the lab.
Gurpreet Singh visits our lab.
Our lab at Boston University
Luda Wang graduates with a Ph.D in May 2014
Xinghui Liu graduates with a Ph.D in May 2014.
Steven Koenig graduates with a Ph.D on May 10, 2013.
The lab (~600 sq. ft.) as of 6-22-2012.
Phi’s graduation/going away lab party at a Korean BBQ on 12/18/2011.
Working hard on a Friday afternoon in the lab.
We hiked Mt. Sanitas in Boulder with Paul McEuen on April 9, 2010.
Page Last Updated: 06/09/19