Capacity Building and Planning for Research Collaborations in Agriculture and Informal Works Sectors in Nicaragua: 2014-2015

The BUSPH team and the Center for Research on Health, Work and Environment (CISTA) at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua at Leon (UNAN-Leon) partnered to build a network of institutions (academic, governmental, and other) capable of carrying out a research and training that will inform public policy to address occupational and environmental risks faced by workers in agriculture and the informal economy and, more broadly, by rural residents. The goal of this three-year grant was to develop a viable and sustainable plan for this network, called a Global Environmental and Occupational Health Hub (GEOHealth Hub), based in Nicaragua but which includes partners from throughout Central America.


Funding: The project was funded by the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).