Communicating risk
With GDM, physicians often come down on the side of sometimes false reassurance:
“We want to optimize your health; there’s something that’s a red flag but its not too bad”
“It’s good to stay motivational as opposed to just scare people with diagnoses because that can be not helpful at all.”
“It’s complex, but you are going to be able to do it really well. We will just take it step by step.”
From Bernstein, JA, McCloskey L, Gebel CM, Iverson RE, Lee-Parritz A. Lost opportunities to prevent early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus after a pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 016;4:e000250.
And a possible solution:
P.U.R.E. (Purposeful, Unambiguous, Respectful, and Effective) Communication: A Strategy to Improve Care-Coordination for High Risk Birth
From Gephart SM, Cholette MS. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev 2012;12: 109–114.)