Class Policies and Practices
Last updated: May 14, 2009 Most recent modifications are usually in red.
- After the first class or two, attendance at class will be recorded. Classes are designed so that being present in class is part of your learning. Not all of this learning is tested. If you are frequently absent, a significant part of this learning has not taken place, and this may affect your grade.
- The median for most classes is usually a B+ (half below; half above). To attain this grade, your work must be very good. “A” grades are reserved for excellent work.
- Organizing homework: Please use the numbering provided in the homework specifications, if any and/or the specified code organization.
- Please retain all graded assignments.
- When you make a repeated error in homework, only the first instance may be commented.
- Late homework will not be accepted unless there is a reason why submitting it on time was practically impossible. Examples of practical impossibility include illness and truly exceptional work deadlines. Being absent from class or being away on a business trip are not excuses for failure to submit homework. If it was practically impossible for you to submit on time, please submit the homework as soon as you can, and attach an description of the cause of lateness. Be prepared to submit documentation to back this up. The work will be graded on a pass/fail basis.
The fax (617) 353-2367 should be used if you cannot be at class. To verify that the fax has been received and placed in my mailbox, please call 617 353-2566. If faxing is very difficult, e-mail your homework.
- Cite all references and uses of the work of other. All instances of plagiarism must be reported to the College for action. This generally results in a college-level hearing, typically during work hours, which you must attend. Possible remedies include expulsion from the College. e-mail, see or call me if you have any doubts. In any case, clearly acknowledge all sources in the context they are used, including code, of course. Please see MET plagiarism policies for examples and a fuller explanation.
- I usually give letter grades for homework so that you know your grade status at all times. To average these, I translate them into numbers as explained in my grading policies.
- MET has mandated standards of written communication. These should be followed, and may affect your grade on.
- Unless stated otherwise, homework should be posted to the designated online site drop box.
- Where possible, submit your homework, including source code, in a single Word document. This allows me to more easily insert feedback.
- Label your homework as follows Doe_John_HW3.doc