What are Social Determinants of Health?

The social determinants of health can be defined as the conditions of an individual’s environment and how the characteristics of that environment directly influence their life. The social determinants of health are separated into five domains: economic stability, educational attainment, social and community context, access to health care, and neighborhoods and built environments.

Economic stability relates to the rate of employment and the ability to earn a reliable income in an area. Making sure that there is affordable housing or access to healthy food is significantly tied to a family’s economic stability. Not having access to healthy food and affordable housing negatively impacts young children and the neighborhood’s overall health.

Educational attainment refers to the access of attaining education and the quality of it as well. Education equips people with the knowledge and abilities to successfully navigate a variety of complex systems, such as the legal, financial, and healthcare systems. People with higher levels of education are more likely to be able to access and make effective use of the resources that are available, which improves health outcomes and management.

Social and community context is defined as the social environments in which people live, including their relationships, support systems, and community involvement. Health outcomes are significantly impacted by this context for a number of reasons because of community safety, cultural norms, and social integration .

Access to healthcare has a big impact on the social determinants of health in a community, this allows people to easily attain medical attention when needed. With access to healthcare the community’s overall health would be improved and also the life expectancy for individuals in the community will extended.

The built environment and neighborhoods have an impact on communities’ social determinants of health as well. Communities can enhance physical activity and encourage healthier living through the installation of sidewalks, bike lanes, walking trails, and green spaces. Furthermore, the accessibility of community spaces may be restricted for individuals with disabilities and older populations if accessibility features are not given due consideration during design.