Active Projects

Project MATTER (NIDA R01DA057298; PI Batchelder)
Multisite RCT in Massachusetts and Florida using a Hybrid Type 1 design and RE-AIM framework to assess iteratively developed text-enhanced psycho-behavioral intervention to address the negative consequences of stigma and shame for sexual and gender minority people living with HIV and substance use disorders (SUDs).

iSTRIVE Pilot RCT (NIDA R34DA053686; PI Batchelder)
 Study to compare incentivized directly observed therapy delivered via a study-provided phone with and without an iteratively and collaboratively developed evidence-informed psycho-behavioral intervention delivered flexibly within the community to address the negative consequences of stigma. Participate in iSTRIVE here. 

Capacity Building Status Neutral Mental Health Intervention (Ending the HIV Epidemic grant from Harvard Center for AIDS Research (CFAR/NIA)); PI Batchelder)
In collaboration with Victory Programs Inc., we used the EPIS framework to collaboratively develop and implement a training for non-clinician staff to better serve people with mental health needs who use drugs. We delivered this training to 80 staff members and are currently monitoring impact and writing up the results. 

BRAVVO (Gilead Health; MPIs Mayer & Batchelder)
This mixed methods study aims to identify barriers to viral suppression at Fenway through 1) electronic medical record review, 2) qualitative interviews with 60 patients with HIV and 30 providers, and 3) develop and pilot a provider training intervention to address barriers for those who are unsuppressed. 

Project 4U (Fenway Pilot Award PI Batchelder)
This implementation science project aims to adapt and pilot an evidence-based alcohol intervention for sexual minority women and gender expansive people who report hazardous drinking at Fenway Community Health Center. Participate in 4U here. 

Bridge to Belonging (B2B; PI Batchelder)
To address the significant public health burden of depression and loneliness among older gay and bisexual men living with HIV (OGBMLH), we will systematically collect feedback from OGBMLH and other stakeholder to produce and pilot the B2B intervention leveraging three evidence-based interventions (the cognitive behavioral therapy-based friendship enrichment program, motivational interviewing, and peer-mentoring) to reduce depression and loneliness by increasing engagement in community-building elder services.

Prevention Navigator Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority People of Color (SAMHSA grant; Batchelder as evaluator)
This service expansion project run through the Boston Living Center (the BLC) involves the evaluation of expanded services (e.g., meal programs, peer navigation, case management, harm reduction services, etc.) to people vulnerable to HIV. 

Project MI-HHEART (Harvard CFAR Developmental Award; PI Foley, Co-I Batchelder): This pilot grant aims to collect mixed methods data to inform the feasibility, acceptability, and possible effect(s) of mindfulness strategies to decrease psychological distress, increase engagement in heart health behaviors, and reduce inflammation to ultimately reduce cardiovascular disease risk for older people with HIV.

Project One-Mind One-Heart (NHLBI K23; PI Foley, Co-I Batchelder): This career development award seeks to develop, refine, and pilot test a cardiovascular disease risk reduction intervention, designed to include both mindfulness and behavior change strategies, for older people with HIV.

Project UpGage (Ending the HIV Epidemic [EHE] Supplement Award; PI Foley, Co-I Batchelder): This implementation science grant aims to conduct a series of qualitative interviews with people who use stimulants and indicate a structural disadvantage (e.g., houselessness) to inform an intervention and implementation strategy for Fenway Health to increase engagement in HIV prevention services.