
Funding for research in the BEST Lab comes from federal, foundation, and industrial sponsors. Recent funded project include:


  • Urban Air Pollution Monitoring

    • Principal Investigator: Emily Ryan
    • Co-Principal Investigators: Kevin Laine (BU School of Public Health), Jeff Geddes (Department of Earth and Environment)
    • Sponsor: BU Campus Climate Lab
    • Topic: Development of low cost, mobile air pollution sensor packs.



  • Exploring Wet Etching Reactions in Nanoconfinements

    • Principal Investigator: Chuanhua Duan
    • Co-Principal Investigators:
    • Sponsor: Semiconductor Research Corporation
    • Topic: Measure and understand wet etching reactions in nanoconfinements (WERIN) as well as to develop new strategies to improve the etching rate, specificity and uniformity of WERIN


  • Engineering micro/nanostructures on gas-involving electrodes for high-efficiency clean energy production

    • Principal Investigator: Chuanhua Duan
    • Co-Principal Investigators: Ming-Chang LU (National Taiwan Univ.)
    • Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
    • Topic: Using micro/nanostructured surface to enhance gas/liquid transport on gas evolving electrodes




  • Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

    • Principal Investigator: Srikanth Gopalan
    • Co-Principal Investigators: Uday Pal and Soumendra Basu
    • Sponsor: DOE EERE
    • Topic: Exploring reversible electrodes in solid oxide electrochemical cells for energy storage.


  • Advanced Coatings for Energy Devices

    • Principal Investigator: Soumendra Basu
    • Co-Principal Investigators: Srikanth Gopalan, Uday Pal
    • Sponsor: Nissan North America
    • Topic: Protective coatings on porous substrates by AC Electrophoretic Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition


  • An Accelerated Workflow for the Discovery of Block Copolymer Conformal Thin Electrolyte Films

    • Principal Investigator: Joerg Werner
    • Co-Principal Investigators: Keith Brown
    • Sponsor: Toyota Research Institute
    • Topic: Evaluating high-throughput thin film deposition and characterization as a proxy for bulk solid battery electrolyte materials discovery.



  • Predicting the Stability of High Entropy Alloys Using High Throughput Density Functional Theory Calculations

    • Principal Investigator: James Chapman
    • Co-Principal Investigators: NA
    • Sponsor: NSF ACCESS: Accelerate
    • Amount: 2,500,000 core-hours
    • Topic: Thermodynamic stability of HEA for NH3 catalyst materials