Temperate Corals in the News


  • NPR covers the unusually warm 2023 summer temperatures in New England, and the impact on Astrangia poculata, aired on NPR “Where We Live” with Astrangia researchers Dr. Amy Apprill, Dr. Sean Grace, and Dr. Koty Sharp!











  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is enthusiastic about Astrangia research: he mentioned it as a study organism that will be valuable for addressing the timely issue of climate change, speaking at the launch of the new Rhode Island Shellfish Initiative. ​ He even put an A. poculata skeleton in the time capsule!


  • Providence Journal highlights Astrangia and how we can translate our findings about the Astrangia microbiome to understanding resilience in corals and coral microbiomes. 


  • The local Rhode Island newsletter EcoRI covered our collaborative work on Astrangia and microplastics pollution.