Anne Lusk, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Chan School of Public Health, NIH Ruth L. Kirshstein F32 Training Grant, 9/2006 – 8/2010
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 5/2002 – 12/2002
Ph.D. Architecture – Environment and Behavior/Urban Planning, University of Michigan, 2002
M.Sc. Architecture, University of Michigan, 2000
M.A.T. Aesthetics in Housing and Historic Preservation, University of Vermont, 1975
Diplome Fashion Design, Les Ecoles de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Paris, 1971
B.A. Home Economics, Ohio University 1970
617-879-4887 h/w
617-872-9201 c
Research Interests:
Protected bike lanes
Electric vehicle home charging
Historic properties as carbon storage
Urban agriculture
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- Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals – Lifetime Achievement Award (2013)
- Congress for New Urbanism/New England – Lifetime Achievement Award (2011)
- Preservation Award – Brookline Preservation Society (2008)
- Stowe Conservation Commission Award – Conservationist of the Year (2004)
- Giving in our Community Award – The Vermont Women’s Fund (2004)
- University of Michigan – Martin Luther King Service and Leadership Award (2001)
- TIME magazine Local Hero – Creating Single Volunteers, now a worldwide-organization (1997)
- National Recreation and Park Association – National Voluntary Service Award (1992)
- U.S. Department of the Interior – National Take Pride in America Award (1989)
- George H.W. Bush White House 119th Point of Light for the Stowe Recreation Path in Stowe, VT (1989)
MET ML 714 B1 Urban Agriculture
Anne Lusk, Ph.D. is a practitioner and academic who, for over 40 years, created climate-responsive environments—the old Stowe High School in Vermont/now the library and art center that stores carbon in the building and grounds, the award-winning biking/walking Stowe Recreation Path, and the 235-acre conserved Mayo Farm. In order to learn research methods to change policies, in 2002, Lusk obtained her Ph.D. in Architecture/Environment and Behavior and Urban Planning from the University of Michigan. She studied greenways which, if connected to street-side protected bike lanes/cycle tracks, offer everyone safe and sustainable bike networks. For 20 years at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Dr. Lusk taught about and conducted research on protected bike lanes because, in the US, biking was unsafe, male-centric, and guided by out-of-date guidelines. With co-authors, their first article submitted in 2010, showed that protected bike lanes in Montreal had a 28% lower injury rate and 2.5 times as many bicyclists compared to roads without bicycle facilities. Their second article in 2013, showed US transportation engineers had, since 1974, cut and pasted the same language in subsequent guidelines to discourage protected bike lanes. Their research helped win federal approval for protected bike lanes. At Harvard Chan, she published about electric vehicle charging stations being off road, so the curbside was for protected bike lanes. She proposed changing condominium bylaws to allow condo owners to sell parking spaces with EV charging to nearby neighbors. She also focused on planting canopy trees, maintaining historic yards as carbon storage, and creating rich soils for vegetable gardens.
Selected Publications:
- Lusk, A.; Mazie, L.; Gale, S.; Savage, H. (2024) Rethinking the Design of Bikes and Bike Networks for Seniors: Sustainability, Climate Change, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Caregivers. Sustainability 16, 10340.
- Lusk, A. (2024) Cycling can make seniors healthier and more independent − here’s how to design bikes and networks that meet their needs. The Conversation. Nov 27.
- Lusk, A, Li, X, Liu, Q. (2023) “If the Government Pays for Full Home-Charger Installation, Would Affordable-Housing and Middle-Income Residents Buy Electric Vehicles?” Sustainability 15(5), 4436; 1505443
- Lusk, A (2022) “Home Ec and Climate Change: Time To Consider a Revamp” Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences. Vol 114. No 1.
- Lusk, A, Tynan, M. (2021) “Preliminary Study Report: Proposed ‘Hart’s Content’ Local Historic District, Brookline, Ma.” August (72 pgs). “The greenest building is the one that exists” (architect, Carl Elefante) yet, like yesterday’s promoters of chain link fences, vinyl siding, and plastics, new-building-material salesmen tout their buildings as better. This Study Report analyzes the benefits of 200-year old cottages through Irish Catholic immigrants, female owners, plumbing, and alley views.
- Lusk, Anne Electric Cars website at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Lusk initiated and created the website, with funding provided by the Hamilton Company Charitable Foundation. Brett Otis and the Harvard Chan Department of Nutrition assisted and provided support. December 2020.
- Li, X., Jia, T., Lusk, A. et al.(2020) Rethinking place-making: aligning placeness factors with perceived urban design qualities (PUDQs) to improve the built environment in historical districts. Urban Des Int, Aug 27
- Lusk, A. (2020) Designing Better Cycling Infrastructure: Safe cycling benefits people, the planet, and the local economy. BMJ, March 11.
- Li, X, Xia, B, Lusk, A, Liu, X, Lu, N. (2019) The Humanmade Paradise: Exploring the Perceived Dimensions and Their Associations with Aesthetic Pleasure for Liu Yuan, a Chinese Classical Garden. Sustainability. March 4, 11,1350.
- Lusk, A, Willett, W, Morris, V, Byner, C, Li, Y. (2019) Bicycle Facilities Safest from Crime and Crashes: Perceptions of Residents Familiar with Higher Crime/Lower Income Neighborhoods in Boston. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthFebruary 7, 16(3), 484.
- Lusk, A. (2019) Bike-friendly cities should be designed for everyone, not just for wealthy white cyclists. The Conversation, Feb 8.
- Lusk, A, Silva Filho, D, Dobbert, Y. (2018) “Pedestrian and cyclist preferences for tree locations by sidewalks and cycle tracks and associated benefits: Worldwide implications from a study in Boston, MA.” Cities.
- Lusk, A. (2018) Designing greener streets starts with finding room for bicycles and trees. The Conversation. Sept 6.
- Alveano-Aguerrebere I, Javier Ayvar-Campos F, Farvid M, Lusk A. (2017) Bicycle Facilities That Address Safety, Crime, and Economic Development: Perceptions from Morelia, Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(1).
- Yuan, C, Sun, Y, Lv, J, Lusk, A. (2017) “Cycle Tracks and Parking Environments in China: Learning from College Students at Peking University.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. August, 14, 930.
- Lusk, A, Anastasio, A, Shaffer, N, Wu, J, Li, Y, (2017) “Biking practices and preferences in a lower income, primarily minority neighborhood: Learning what residents want.” Preventive Medicine Reports.January.
- Lusk, A. in partnership with the League of American Bicyclists and the U.S. Environmental Protection (EPA) and with support from the Helen and William Mazer Foundation. (2016) “Promoting Bicycling through Creative Design: Innovations for Bicycles and Cycling Facilities.”
- Bonges, H, Lusk, A. (2016) “Addressing electric vehicle (EV) sales and range anxiety through parking layout, policy and regulation.” Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice.
- Lusk, A, Asgarzadeh, M, Farvid, M. (2015) “Database improvements for motor vehicle/bicycle crash analysis.” Injury Prevention.
- Lusk, A, Li Y. (2014) “Bicycling, health and weather-related disasters: Potential data to better predict risk.” Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue. – English
- Lusk, A, Li Y. (2014) “Bicycling, health and weather-related disasters: Potential data to better predict risk.” Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue. – Mandarin
- Asgarzadeh, M, Koga, T, Hirate, K, Farvid, M, Lusk, A. (2014) “Investigating oppressiveness and spaciousness in relation to building, trees, sky and ground surface: A study in Tokyo.” Landscape and Urban Planning.Vol 131 Nov: 36-41.
- Lusk, A., Wen, X., Zhou, L., (2014) Gender and used/preferred differences of bicycle routes, parking, intersection signals, and bicycle type: Professional middle class preferences in Hangzhou, China. Journal of Transport & Health1, 124-133. - Lusk, A. (September 20, 2013) “U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s new policy informed by cycle track research.” Injury Prevention. Editor’s Blog/Guest Blog. - Lusk, A, Morency, P, Miranda-Moreno, L, Willett, W, Dennerlein, J. (August 15, 2013) “Lusk et al. respond to ‘Cycle Track Safety Remains Unproven’.” American Journal of Public Health Letters.
- Lusk, A, Morency, P, Miranda-Moreno, L, Willett, W, Dennerlein, J. (2013) “Bicycle Guidelines and Crash Rates on Cycle Tracks in the United States.” American Journal of Public Health.
- Lusk, A. (2012) “A History of Bicycle Environments in China: Comparisons with the US and the Netherlands.” Harvard Asia Quarterly Winter, Second Chapter, Vol. XIV, No. 4, 16-27.
- Asgarzadeh, M, Lusk, A, Koga, T, Hirate, K. (2012) “Measuring oppressiveness of streetscapes.” Landscape and Urban Planning. 107: 1-11
- Lusk, A, Furth, P, Morency, P, Miranda-Moreno, L, Willett, W, Dennerlein, J (2011) “Risk of injury for bicycling on cycle tracks versus in the street” Injury Prevention. - Lusk, A, Mekary, R, Feskanich, D, Willett, W. (2010) “Bicycle Riding, Walking, and Weight Gain in Premenopausal Women.” Archives of Internal Medicine. Vol 170 (no. 12) June 28: 1050-1056.
- Open review for Reynolds, C, Harris, M, Teschke, K, Cripton, P, Winters, M. (2009) “The impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling injuries and crashes: A review of the literature” Environmental Health 8:47 October.
- Lusk, A. (2006) “Promoting Health and Fitness Through Urban Design.” The Humane Metropolis: People and Nature in the 21stCentury City. Edited by Rutherford H. Platt. The University of Massachusetts Press: 87-101. - Lusk, A. (2004) “A Healthy Society Begins with Smart Design.” Structures: A Supplement to Banker & Tradesman and The Commercial Record. (November) 6, 17.
- Lusk, A. Harris, J (2004)Pushing the Design Boundaries: Walk, Bicycle,In-line Skate, & Jog
- Lusk, A. (2003) “Designing the Active City: The Case for Multi-Use Paths.” Progressive Planning: The Magazine of Planners Network. 157 (Fall): 18-21.
- Lusk, A. (2003) “BladeNight in Europe: A Weekly Event.” Progressive Planning: The Magazine of Planners Network. 157 (Fall): 34-35.
- Lusk, A. (2003) Progressive Planning: The Magazine of Planners Network. (Theme Editor) 157 (Fall).
- Lusk, A. and W. Willett. (2003) “A multi-use path downtown.” Op Ed Boston Globe. (August): A15.
- Lusk, A. (2002) “Twenty-Three Design Guidelines for Greenways” Dissertation.
- Lusk, A. (2001) Bus and Bus Stop Designs Related to Perceptions of Crime Federal Transit Administration. FTA-MI-26-7004-2001.8.
- Lusk, A. (1998). Review of The Urban Oasis, by Roxanne Warren. Journal of the American Planning Association. 64 (Summer) (3): 369-370.
- Lusk, A. (1996) “ISTEA Funding: Get Your Trail in Gear.” Parks and Recreation Magazine. (August): 58-61.
- Lusk, A. (1995) “Safewalks: Neighborhood Stroll to Peaceful Existence.” Parks and Recreation Magazine. (August): 44-49
- Lusk, A. (1994) “Safewalks” Planning Commissioner’s Journal. (Fall): 14-15.
- Lusk, A. (1993-1994) “The GreenWAYing of America.” Bicycle Reference Book. Bicycle Institute of America: 11-13.
- Lusk, A., G. Plumb (1993) “The Greening of America.” Parks and Recreation Magazine. (August): 46-51,53,73,75.
- Lusk, A. (1993) “Planning Paths for Your Community.” Planning Commissioners Journal. (May/June).
- Lusk, A. (1993) Case Study No. 6: Analysis of Successful Grassroots Movements Relating to Pedestrians and Bicycles and A Guide on How to Initiate a Successful Program. National Bicycling and Walking Study. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. FHWA-OD-93-024
- Lusk, A., D. Dustin. (1992) “Greenways for All Seasons.” Winter Cities. Alberta, Canada
- Lusk, (1991) The Grassroots Reach for the Sky. National Park Service. Northeast Recreation Research Symposium.
- Lusk, A. (1990) “Creating Excellence.” Vermont’s Journal for People in Growing Businesses. (February/March).
- Lusk, A. (1989). “Greenway in Vermont.” Parks and Recreation Magazine. (January): 70-75.
- Lusk, A. (1986) “How to Build a Path in Your Community.” Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.