Meghan Robinson

Instructor of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine
2012 – Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University

My research to date has focused on task-based and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the study of traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially those not associated with symptoms of concussion. I received by PhD from Purdue University in Biomedical Engineering. My research there examined head trauma in high school football players through recording from helmet sensors and neuroimaging. We found altered patterns of brain activity, even in players that showed no classical signs of concussion, related to the number of hits the players experienced. I also spent 5 months at an internship in the Section on Functional Imaging Methods at NIH, characterizing activity and dynamics of brain networks using MRI. I have been a Post-doctoral Researcher with TRACTS since October 2012. Through my research with TRACTS using resting-state functional connectivity, I found close-range blast exposure (within 10 m), even without associated concussion symptoms, produces alterations in the default mode network. I also work on the ALERT project, which involves positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and collection of biological samples to observe early signs of trauma-related neurodegeneration, primarily tau biomarkers, in Veterans with multiple brain injuries or blast exposures due to their service.