Nathanael A. Cruzado

I am a 5th year Graduate Program for Neuroscience (GPN) student with a Computational Neuroscience focus.  I joined the Theoretical Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Summer 2016.  Currently, my focus is on applying the scale-invariant temporal continuity model of this lab to vision, both to model visual working memory and to model how the brain uses temporal contiguity and continuity to develop spatial invariant neural representations.


MathPsych 2016 Poster

CEMs 2017 Poster

SfN 2018 Poster

Submitted Articles:

Cruzado, N.A., Tiganj, Z., Brincat, S.L., Miller, E.K., Howard, M.W. (submitted). Conjunctive representation of what and when in monkey hippocampus and lateral prefrontal cortex during an associative memory task. (pdf(Supplemental) (bioRxiv)