Monday Morning Email

All submissions are due by 5pm on Saturday.

Submit to MME                 View the Event Calendar

MME Submission Steps

  1. Login with your Kerberos
  2. Click “New Event” at the top
  3. Fill in your information about the Event
  4. Click Save

Once saved, your event will be reviewed. If approved, your event will appear in SGA’s MME and on the online calendar.

Please note that the SGA calendar (the one that appears when you click the “Submit to MME” button on the left) is NOT the same as the calendar that appears when you click the “View Event Calendar” button on the right.
When you submit your event to the Master Planning Calendar, it will ONLY upload to the Event Calendar (right button). It will NOT appear in the SGA event calendar OR the MME. To get your event into the SGA event calendar and the MME, you must submit it through the “Submit to MME” button on the left.

Editing Your Event – Message from Cristina Palazzese

The best way to change the details of an event is to resubmit your event request to the MME on the SGA Website. I [Cristina] will approve that one and remove the old one from the calendar. As a general rule, if there are multiple submissions for the same event (it happens frequently), I will honor the one submitted most recently (given that they have the same title and/or description).

However, be aware that those changes will only be reflected in the SGA Event Calendar and the Monday Morning Email, not in the Master Planning Calendar, which SGA does not control. If you want to know more about how to change the details on that calendar, please reach out to Student Affairs and they will be able to point you in the right direction.

If you have questions, see our FAQ. If you still have questions, please e-mail and cc’ Cristina Palazzese (