United Methodist Music Ministry Certificate

All United Methodist certificate programs available at Boston University may be pursued independently or as part of other School of Theology degree programs. The purpose of these certificates is to help students deepen their knowledge and expertise in a particular area and to document their specialized preparation for ministry. United Methodist Students are eligible to be certified through annual conference boards of ordained ministry after completing the academic courses for certification in evangelism, music ministry, and spirituality, and by fulfilling the additional church and personal requirements. For questions related to admissions into a certificate program, please contact the School of Theology Admissions Office at sthadmis@bu.edu. For all other questions about the certificate program not related to the admissions process, please contact Dr. Wanda Stahl, Co-Director of Contextual Education at the School of Theology. Further information about

A complete description of the Music Ministry Certificate can be found here.

Further information about the Music Ministry Certification can be found through the General Board of Higher of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church.