Dogfooding: Defining roles in an MVC architecture with internal APIs

April 26th, 2016 in architecture, Javascript, MEAN 0 comments

Here’s a copy of the talk I did recently at Boston University discussing how to implement a clean MVC architecture for web apps, with a decoupled front end, using an internal API.

Abstract: The architectural design of an application often comes down to a single question: Where is the work done? Traditional client-server applications answer the question unequivocally: On the server. A new class of application, single-page (SPA), has blurred the separation of responsibility by moving data operations closer to the client. This talk discusses an approach that strictly segregates back-end models from front-end SPA views through use of an application-agnostic internal RESTful API, enhancing testability and re-use. While demonstration code will be in Javascript, the approach applies to most client-server application architectures.

Dogfooding and APIs

Using Javascript Promises to synchronize asynchronous methods

April 18th, 2016 in Javascript, MEAN, Tools 4 comments

The asynchronous, non-blocking Javascript runtime can be a real challenge for those of us who are used to writing in a synchronous style in languages such as Python of Java. Especially tough is when we need to do several inherently asynchronous things in a particular order...maybe a filter which the result of a preceding step is used in the next. The typical JS approach is to nest callbacks, but this leads to code that can be hard to maintain.

The following programs illustrate the problem and work toward a solution. In each, the leading comments describe the approach and any issues that it creates. The final solution can be used as a pattern to solve general synchronization problems in Javascript. The formatting options in the BU WordPress editor are a little limited, so you might want to cut and paste each example into your code editor for easier reading.

1. The problem

If you are used to writing procedural code in a language like Python, Java, or C++,
you would expect this code to print step1, step2, step3, and so on. Because Javascript
is non-blocking, this isn't what happens at all. The HTTP requests take time to execute,
and so the JS runtime moves the call to a queue and just keeps going. Once all of the calls on the
main portion of the call stack are complete, an event loop visits each of the completed request()s 
in the order they completed and executes their callbacks. 

 Starting demo
 Finished demo
 step3: UHub
 step2: CNN
 step1: KidPub

So what if we need to execute the requests in order, maybe to build up a result from each of them?

var request = require('request');

var step1 = function (req1) {
    request(req1, function (err, resp) {
        console.log('step1: KidPub');

var step2 = function (req2) {
    request(req2, function (err, resp) {
        console.log('step2: CNN');

var step3 = function(req3) {
    request(req3, function (err, resp) {
        console.log('step3: UHub');

console.log('Starting demo');
console.log('Finished demo');

2. Callbacks work just fine, but...

This is the classic way to synchronize things in Javascript using callbacks. When each
request completes, its callback is executed. The callback is still placed in the
event queue, which is why this code prints

 Starting demo
 Finished demo
 step1: BU
 step2: CNN
 step3: UHub

There's nothing inherently wrong with this approach, however it can lead to what is
called 'callback hell' or the 'pyramid of doom' when the number of synchronized items grows too large.
var request = require('request');
var req1 = ''; var req2 = ''; var req3 = '';

var step1 = function () {
    request(req1, function (err, resp) {
        console.log('step1: BU');
        request(req2, function (err, resp) {
            console.log('step2: CNN');
            request(req3, function(err,resp) {
                console.log('step3: UHub');

console.log('Starting demo');
console.log('Finished demo');

3. Promises help solve the problem, but there's a gotcha to watch out for.

One way to avoid callback hell is to use thenables (pronounced THEN-ables), which essentially
implement the callback in a separate function, as described in the Promise/A+ specification. 
A Javascript Promise is a value that can be returned that will be filled in or completed at some
future time. Most libraries can be wrapped with a Promise interface, and many implement Promises
natively. In the code here we're using the request-promise library, which wraps the standard HTTP
request library with a Promise interface. The result is code that is much easier to
event happens, THEN another event happes, THEN another and so on.

This might seem like a perfectly reasonable approach, chaining together
calls to external APIs in order to build up a final result.
The problem here is that a Promise is returned by the rp() call in each step...we are
effectively nesting Promises. The code below appears to work, since
it prints the steps on the console in the correct order. However, what's
really happening is that each rp() does NOT complete before moving on to
its console.log(). If we move the console.log() statements inside the callback for
the rp() you'll see them complete out of order, as I've done in step 2. Uncomment the 
console.log() and you'll see how it starts to unravel.

var rp = require('request-promise');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var req1 = ''; var req2 = ''; var req3 = '';

function doCalls(message) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        .then(function (result) {
            rp(req1, function (err, resp) {
            console.log('step:', result, ' BU ');
            return ++result;
        .then(function (result) {
                rp(req2, function (err, resp) {
//                    console.log('step:', result, ' CNN');
            console.log('step:', result, ' CNN');
            return ++result;
        .then(function (result) {
            rp(req3, function (err, resp) {
            console.log('step:', result, ' UHub');
            return ++result;
        .then(function (result) {
            console.log('Ending demo at step ', result);
doCalls('Starting calls')
    .then(function (resolve, reject) {

4.  Using Promise.resolve to order nested asynchronous calls

Here's the final approach. In this code, each step returns a Promise to the next step, and the
 steps run in the expected order, since the promise isn't resolved until
 the rp() and its callback are complete. Here we're just manipulating a function variable,
 'step', in each step but one can imagine a use case in which each of the calls 
 would be building up a final result and perhaps storing intermediate data in a db. The 
 result variable passed into each proceeding then is the result of the rp(), which
 would be the HTML page returned by the request.

 The advantages of this over the traditional callback method are that it results
 in code that's easier to read, and it also simplifies a stepwise process...each step
 is very cleanly about whatever that step is intended to do, and then you move
 on to the next step.

var rp = require('request-promise');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var req1 = ''; var req2 = ''; var req3 = '';

function doCalls(message) {
    var step = 0;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        .then(function (result) {
            return Promise.resolve(
                rp(req1, function (err, resp) {
                    console.log('step: ', ++step, ' BU ')
        .then(function (result) {
                return Promise.resolve(
                    rp(req2, function (err, resp) {
                        console.log('step: ', ++step, ' CNN');

        .then(function (result) {
            return Promise.resolve(
                rp(req3, function (err, resp) {
                    console.log('step: ', ++step, ' UHub');

        .then(function (result) {
            console.log('Ending demo ');
            return Promise.resolve(step);
doCalls('Starting calls')
    .then(function (steps) {
            console.log('Completed in step ', steps);