Examinations and Grades, Fall 2021

Your grades will be based on the following:

  • We give two midterm examinations (M1 and M2) spaced about 5 weeks apart. Each midterm covers the class material and the assigned readings for the corresponding period (see the Course Schedule). If it improves your course grade, the lower of the two midterm scores will be dropped from the average (see the grading formula below).
  • There is also a cumulative final examination (F), whose weight is determined by the grading formula below.
  • During exams and in class, the CAS Academic Conduct Code will be strictly enforced. Please read it carefully.
  • At the end of the semester, your discussion-section TF will submit a score for attendance (5 points maximum) and participation and understanding of assigned problems (5 points maximum).  The total discussion-section score (D) will comprise 10 percent of your course grade.
  • EC101 DD/EE has Attendance Requirements. Failure to comply with those requirements can lower your grade.

    For each examination that you take, we will record a numerical score that ranges from 0 to 100. We may adjust raw examination scores upwards if we decide that the examination was difficult. We use only numerical scores until the end of the term, at which time a letter grade is computed based on overall performance.

    Your numerical course average (CA) will be computed according to one of the following two schemes, whichever yields the higher score. This means, that one low score or missed midterm exam will not lower your course grade.  It always makes sense to take both midterm exams if you can, because a good score can raise your grade, but a low score will not lower your grade.

    Course Average with Two Midterms
    Midterm Exam I 25%
    Midterm Exam II 25%
    Final Exam 40%
    Discussion Sections 10%
    CA = .25 M1 + .25 M2 + .4 F + D
    Course Average with One Midterm
    Higher Midterm Exam 35%
    Final Exam 55%
    Discussion Sections 10%
    CA = .35 M + .55 F + D






    Individual exams receive numerical scores but not letter grades.  Letter-grades are not assigned until the end of the semester.  The course average will be calculated at the end of the semester using the formulas above. Then, the course average is converted to a letter grade as follows.

    Course Average
    A 93.0 or more
    A- 90.0 to 92.94
    B+ 87.0 to 89.94
    B 83.0 to 86.94
    B- 80.0 to
    C+ 77.0 to 79.94
    C 73.0 to 76.94
    C- 65.0 to 72.94
    D 60.0 to 64.94
    F less than 60.0

    These limits are strictly enforced. Please do not ask me to change your letter grade because your course average was “close” to the next higher grade.