Ju Seung-jung

Ju Seung-jung is a grandson of Ju Ki-cheol (1897-1944) who was martyrdom because of his opposition to paying reverence at Japanese Shinto Shrines in Japanese colonial era. After graduation from Boston University School of Theology in 1997, Dr. Ju was a professor of Liturgy and Homiletics at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS) from 2001 to 2012. He was the president of Korean Academy of Liturgy in 2008 and contributed to establishing the academic foundation of Liturgy and Homiletics and fostering younger students and seminarians in South Korea.

Since 2012, Dr. Ju has served as a senior pastor at Juan Presbyterian Church, located in Inchon, South Korea. Juan Presbyterian Church is the biggest church of the Presbyterian denomination in South Korea and total number of church members is approximately forty thousand.


– Works

주승중. 「예배학 사전」(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2000). Joo, Seung Joong and Jung, Jang Bok and . Encyclopedia of Liturgy. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2000.

주승중. 「설교학 사전」(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2002) Joo, Seung Joong and Jung, Jang Bok. Encyclopedia of Homiletics. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2002.

「2001-2013 예배와 설교핸드북」(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미)

「말씀의 징검다리 4,5,6,7(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미) Joo, Seung Joong and Jung, Jang Bok. The Stepping-Stone of the Word vol. 4, 5, 6, 7. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2000.

「분석설교의 실제 1,2(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미) Joo, Seung Joong and Jung, Jang Bok. The Practice of Analytical Sermons vol. 1, 2. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 1999, 2001.

「서사설교의 실제 1,2(공저) (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미) Joo, Seung Joong and Jung, Jang Bok. The Practice of Narrative Sermons vol. 1, 2. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2000, 2001.

「은총의 교회력과 설교」(서울: 장신대 출판부, 2004) Joo, Seung Joong. The Liturgical Christian Calendar of Grace and Sermons. Seoul: Press of Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary. 2004.

「성경적 설교의 원리와 실제」 (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2006) Joo, Seung Joong, The Principle and Practice of the Biblical Sermons. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2006.

「교회를 섬기는 청지기의 길(1)(공저) (서울: 성안당, 2008) Joo, Seung Joong and Choi, Yun Bae. The Way of the Steward Who Serves the Church vol. 1. Seoul: Sung An Dang, 2008.

「다시, 예배를 꿈꾸다」(서울: 두란노서원, 2014) Joo, Seung Joong. Dreaming the Worship, again. Seoul: Duranno Seowon, 2014.

「영상세대를 향해 이렇게 설교하라」(서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2004) Edited by Joo, Seung Joong. Preaching to Visual Generation. Seoul: Liturgy and Homiletics Academy, 2004.



Wilson, Paul Scott. The Four Pages of the Sermon: A Guide to Biblical Preaching. Abingdon Press, 1999. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 4페이지 설교」(서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2006)

Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching : The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2001. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 「성경적인 설교준비와 전달」 (서울: 두란노서원, 2006)

Brueggemann, Walter. Finally Comes the Poet : Daring Speech for Proclamation. Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale, 1988-1989. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 「설교자여 시인이 되라」 (서울: 겨자씨, 2007)

Kimball, Dan. Emerging Worship : Creating Worship Gatherings for New Generations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 「하나님께서 영광을 받으시는 고귀한 예배」 (서울: 이레서원, 2008)

Lowry, Eugene L. The Sermon : Dancing the Edge of Mystery. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 「신비한 가장자리에서 춤추는 설교」 (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2008)

Eslinger, Richard L. The Web of Preaching : New Options in Homiletical Method. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2002. Translated by Joo, Seung Joong. 「설교 그물짜기」 (서울: 예배와 설교 아카데미, 2008)



Joo, Seung Joong. “The Early Protestant Missionaries’ Preaching in the Korean Church 1884-1934”. Columbia Theological Seminary, 1991. Master of Theology Dissertation.

Joo, Seung Joong. “The Christian Year and Lectionary Preaching: A Liturgical Contextualization for the Presbyterian Church of Korea(Tong Hap)”. Boston University School of Theology, 1997. Doctor of Theology Dissertation.