Variables in the dataset nlsymen81_88.txt: 1 - Worker id 2 - Log-wage 3 - Union 4 - Lag-union1 5 - Schooling 6 - log-experience 7 - Rural dummy 8 - Married dummy 9 - Health dummy 10 - 3 region dummies for region NE, NC, and S 11 - 11 industry dummies for ag min con trad tra fin bus per ent man pro 13 - 7 year dummies yr2-yr8 12 - 8 occupation dummies Files in the folder panel_selection_fe_short_sample_nov_04_2006 1 - panel_selection_fe_short_sample_nov_04_2006.m: main program 2 - The rest are auxiliary functions called by the main program