March Gastronomy Events

We have a busy second half of the semester planned! Please mark your calendars for the following, post-spring-break events: 


THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 4:30 – 5:30PM

photo by GSZ
photo by GSZ

Milk and Cookies with Rachel Black                                                                              Come say hello,  meet other Gastronomy students, and discuss the semester – and have some milk and cookies.

Boston University Fuller Building (FLR) Room 109, 808 Commonwealth Avenue. This event is for current Gastronomy students only.

SPRING 2012 Gastronomy at BU Lecture Series:


garvin_poster(1)A Fine Linea: How Italian Food Advertisements Reflected and Affected Gender Division Diana Garvin, PhD candidate, Italian Studies, Cornell University

Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Building (CAS), Room 211, 725 Commonwealth Avenue.

Lectures are free and open to the public. For more information contact or see



BU’s American and New England Studies Program (AMNESP) Conference                          Beyond Production and Consumption: Refining American Material Culture Studies

For more information, see the official conference poster and registration form.


TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 4:00 – 5:45 PM

photo by Chris A.J. Brown
photo by Chris A.J. Brown

Life After Gastronomy: Part I            “Pursuing The PhD”                                       

Interested in continuing your educational journey beyond the MLA in Gastronomy? Join us for an information session and workshop to help you prepare a PhD application. BU Anthropology and History faculty will be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance. Fellow Gastronomy student Emily Contois will provide an applicants point-of-view. All students considering a PhD program are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to Gastronomy Program Coordinator Barbara Rotger.

Boston University Fuller Building (FLR), Room 109, 808 Commonwealth Ave. For more information contact or see This is event is open to Gastronomy students only.


SPRING 2012 Gastronomy at BU Lecture Series:


Universal Free School Meals: An Ideas Whose Time Has Come                                          Janet Poppendieck, Professor of Sociology, Emerita, Hunter College, City University of New York and the author of Free for All: Fixing School Food in America and Sweet Charity? Emergency Food and the End of Entitlement

Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Building (CAS), Room 211, 725 Commonwealth Avenue

Lectures are free and open to the public. For more information contact or see


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