Katie Dolph Defends Thesis on Sustainability in the Willamette Valley Wine Industry

Post and photos by Emily Contois

While many students have completed a thesis as part of their studies in the Boston University Gastronomy Program, Katie Dolph is the first to complete the new eight credit thesis, a challenging endeavor that includes a year’s worth of research and a formal defense process.

Katie’s research employs an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the role of sustainability, which integrates reverence for nature with cultural and economic factors, in the development of a unique set of winemaking practices that distinguish the Willamette Valley Wine industry.

Last week, Gastronomy students and faculty gathered for Katie’s thesis defense.

The thesis defense process began with Katie presenting her findings.
Katie was then challenged with questions, first from the faculty and then from the audience.
After the faculty conferred, Assistant Professor Rachel Black officially honored Katie with the MLA in Gastronomy.
Katie and all attendees then celebrated, how else, but with Oregonian sparkling wine.

Congratulations, Katie!

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