Self-Determination Theory

When selfceare is discussed often times we immediately correlate it to a persons physical wellbeing. People are affected by many lifestyle factors such as substance use, diet, and physical activity. These factors are ultimately controlled by a persons behavior. Any care outside of a hospital consist of being prescribed medications, self examinations, or refraining from a specific activity/habit. In my opinion the greatest problem with these implications is failure. The majority of individuals stick to a plan for a short amount of time before reverting to old habits. Lets be realistic here, habits are a life time in the making and are hard to break. Successful people remain self motivated by setting a goal and accomplishing it.

How do we revert our natural tendencies into positive healthy habits? Self-Determination Theory created by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan focuses on motivation and personality. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory of human motivation stating that individuals have innate tendencies towards personal growth and vitality that are either satisfied or thwarted by there immediate environment (Maraya, 2014). It is the ability for someone to take charge of their life and choices. Self-determination theory is comprised of two other sub theories including Cognitive Evaluation Theory and Organismic Integration Theory. Cognitive Evaluation Theory states we have a need to be good at something (competence), have control of our actions (autonomy) and are connected by positive relationships (relatedness). (Jones, 2014) Organismic Integration Theory states people just go through the motions (amotivation), motivation is simply to complete an external demand (external regulation), and motivation is enjoyable (intrinsic regulation). (Jones, 2014)

A strong goal oriented person sets their mind to what they want to achieve. I can’t speak for most but for myself, I am happiest when I accomplish my goals. Self-determination is a vital component to our everyday lives including mine. We use it in the work place to feel more engaged and motivated, athletes use it to perform better and in personal relationships to provide support to one another. I have become successful in being realistic about my goals, owning my small accomplishments and mishaps, holding myself accountable, and taking pride in my small accomplishments. How can we help others become self dependent? Parents can encourage children to: self-awareness or self knowledge, goal setting, problem solving skills, decision building skills, ability to self advancement, and create goals and action plans. Teachers should nurture students interest, communicate using informal messages, explain the importance of different task, understand the students strength and weaknesses, provide positive feedback, and acknowledge students feelings. (Maraya, 2014). Self-determination theory provides positivity to heath, behavior, and well-being. Engaging in intervention methods for changing our life style improves longevity in each individual.


Home. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2018, from

Jones, B. D. (2014, January 06). Self-Determination Theory v1. Retrieved December 14, 2018, from

Maraya, J. (2014, August 24). Self determination theory. Retrieved December 14, 2018, from

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