Author: Anthony Siracusa

Threats of Social Media Filter Bubbles: Legitimate or Exaggerated?

Recent American politics have spurred various conversations around the notion of a rising populist movement. Populist ideology, as opposed to liberal or conservative ideologies, is not conceptualized as on one end of two poles, but rather an ideological horseshoe – a non-establishment ideology that exists outside the political mainstream, yet contains a union of some […]

From the Niche to the Nebulous: Infomediation in the Age of the Networked Creator

On Twitter, the hashtag trend #SoMe4Surgery has been popularized among networks of surgeons and medical professionals as a way to have general discussions about surgery, share ideas, and connect with similar individuals in the field. An October 13th network analysis from scotpublichealth (via: the NodeXL graph gallery) samples 18k tweets containing #SoMe4Surgery from 1.1k twitter […]