Registration Guide: Undeclared

As an undeclared student, you have yet to decide on a major to pursue – and that’s great! The undeclared major is one of the largest majors for incoming CAS students. CAS offers many undergraduate major options, so we applaud your wisdom and thoughtfulness in taking the time to explore different academic pathways and gather more information before making a decision. CAS Advising will provide you with a variety of resources to explore your academic options, ranging from individual advising appointments to specialized freshmen seminars and programs.

A typical first semester Undeclared schedule looks like:

  1. Course of interest/Major exploration course
  2. Course of interest/Major exploration course
  3. Language course or Course of interest or Core Natural Science course
  4. CAS WR 120 First-Year Writing Seminar* or CAS CC 101 Core Humanities 1 (fall semester)
  5. Optional add-on: CAS FY 101 First-Year Seminar (fall semester) or CAS FY 102 First-Year Career Development (spring semester)

*If you were previously instructed to take the Multilingual Writer Placement, please take this before registering for a course. Based on your placement, you can choose to register for one of the following courses: CAS WR 111 Academic Writing for ELL Students 1, CAS WR 112 Academic Writing for ELL Students 2, or CAS WR 120 First-Year Writing Seminar.

Please see below for further information about suggested courses for an undeclared major:

Ready to register?  Let’s go – click here!